Up Against the Wall - SPN, Sam/Dean Slash, NC-17ish

May 09, 2007 22:17

Title: Up Against the Wall
Author: thelonejuliet 
Characters: Sam, Dean
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Word Count: 1,272
Rating: NC-17ish
Warnings: Rimming (*headdesk*), boy kissing, voyuerism of sorts, incest...
Spoilers: None that I can see
Disclaimer: Not mine! Sooo not mine. If they were...well...I can't promise that anyone would ever see them. You know, other than the videos posted anonymously on the internet! LOL. Alas, Kripke & Co owns them!
Author's Note(s): Terribly unbeta'd! I could have had it beta'd, but I wanted to post it, so...you'll have to excuse any and all errors. Sorry! *blush*
I know it's an awfully un-original title. And, I was going to call it "Wall Hot" because of an inside joke...involving Jensen...hehe. Anyway, the whole time I was writing it, I had N SYNC's "Up Against a Wall" stuck in my mind, so....*shrugs*
Written for sleepless3333 !! I failed at this meme and she got to prompt me as a reward. She wanted "jealous!Dean...against a wall...happy ending..." So, here it is! I hope you like, Steph. It wasn't what I expected. AT ALL. I just...*shakes head* No words.

All fics found here. Well, as soon as I update it...

Summary: Sammy has a plan to seduce his older brother.

Sam tried desperately to hide his amusement as he stepped out of the bar after his brother, and did his best to brace himself for what was coming next.

He got two steps past the door before Dean grabbed him and twisted, slamming him - a little harder than he would have liked - against the wall. Dean’s breath was ghosting over his ear and he could feel the older man’s erection pressing just below his ass.

A chuckle slipped past his lips; his plan had worked perfectly. He was tired of the dance that he and Dean had been doing for years. It was high time that they did something about the sexual tension that was oh-so-obvious between them, especially since there had been several drunken, sloppy kisses over the past few weeks. Dean was obviously getting as frustrated as he was and there was no better way to get him to make a move than making him blindingly jealous.

Oh, Sam hadn’t started out the night with a plan like that. Oh, no. The Winchesters had walked into the bar and he couldn’t be blamed if a 6-foot-tall guy with green eyes and blondish hair walked up to him and starting flirting. Of course, once he realized that Dean was glaring daggers into the man’s head, well….

He couldn’t really be held accountable for flirting back, could he?

So, now, Dean had him pressed against the wall, hard as a steel pole, and was making quick work of his belt and fly. He was whispering filthy promises in his little brother’s ear, mixed in with what could only be described as Dean-type pleas: “No one else…all mine…can’t wait…no one.”

Sam groaned, closed his eyes and pressed his face into the cool wall, loving the promise of Dean’s dick in his ass and the fact that anyone could walk into the alley where they seedy bar was housed and see the brothers about to consummate their relationship. His train of thought was soon gone as the Fall air rushed in and hit his bare ass. Dean’s hands left his hips, where they’d been gripping almost painfully, for a second and he whimpered at the loss. Precum was pooling and beginning to slide down the side of his dick, and if it weren’t for brick being the only thing to rub against, he’d be halfway to Heaven already.

He could hear the metal of Dean’s belt buckle being pulled open and the whir of his zipper soon followed. He had a split second to wonder what was going to be used as lube - because Dean just wouldn’t do that, not to Sam - before Dean’s hands were back on him, pulling apart his ass. When that was quickly followed by Dean’s tongue up the crease of his ass, his breath shot out of him and he opened his eyes, erection becoming painful as he realized what his older brother was planning.

He had no warning whatsoever before his brother’s tongue was in his ass. Sam moaned, abso-fucking-lutely loving the feeling, even if it was a bit foreign. But, he completely understood why women liked receiving oral sex, because…just….yeah.

He took one hand off the wall, down to wrap around his erection, as Dean inserted a finger along with his tongue. Dean’s other hand moved up to fondle his balls, and Sam faltered ever so slightly in the rhythm he was starting.

When Dean added a second finger, he barely managed to choke out, “‘m ready, Dean. Just fucking do it.”

Dean laughed and stood up, grasping onto the younger man’s hips again. As he lined his cock up, he leaned over and whispered, “I’m going to show you just how jealous I am. And, if you ever have the urge to try that shit again, you won’t be able to fucking walk for week. You hear?”

Sam only had time to nod before Dean’s cock was sliding into him and Dean’s teeth were fastened around a patch of skin on his exposed neck. Sam moaned, deep enough to rattle his teeth, and leaned his forehead against the wall, bringing his hand back up to the wall to brace himself from Dean’s hard thrusts. It burned at first, not having done this for a few months, back with whateverhisnamewas. But, he adjusted quickly and was soon matching his brother’s movement.

Dean was moaning and grunting behind him, simultaneously lapping and/or biting his neck. Sam started to jack himself off again, noticing that Dean’s thrusts were starting to become erratic. But, Dean knocked his hand away and wrapped his own fist around Sam’s aching cock, drawing out another long moan at the feel of a new, familiar, calloused hand.

The dual sensation was almost too much, and he was torn between thrusting up into Dean’s fist or back onto Dean’s cock. The choice was quickly taken away from him though when Dean grunted and came, hot liquid shooting into his brother’s ass. His movements began to slow.

Dean finished himself completely and pulled all the way out. Then, he plastered his front against Sam’s back and jerked him off in earnest, following Sam’s directions whenever they poured out of his mouth. “Faster, slower, tighter.” He swiped his thumb over the slit at the top and twisted his wrist on the way back down. A minute or two later, with a low groan, Sam came, falling back onto his older brother as cum spurted out and coated the brick in front of them.

Dean worked him through the orgasm until everything was gone and the sensation turned to pain. Sam stilled his hand, and turned around, crashing his lips to his brother’s. Dean’s laugh was lost in the cavern of Sam’s mouth as their tongues collided. Sam could taste what his ass must have tasted like - eww - as well as the sweat from his own skin. But, something much sweeter overruled it all, something that was altogether Dean, something that Sam really hoped he would get to taste for the rest of his life - and a lot of it.

A few minutes later, Dean pulled back, panting. His eyes showed something that hadn’t been there in a long time - contentment. Sam decided that if he could give his brother that, then everything else was worth it.

“Uh, dude?” Dean whispered.

Sam sighed dreamily - okay, so maybe he was a little bit of a girl… - and replied, “Yes?”

“We should probably pull our pants up now. I don’t know about you, but I’m not too keen on showing the lowlifes of Albuquerque how hot my ass is.”

Sam’s eyes widened as his brother laughed, and he hastily bent down to pull up his boxers and jeans. He made sure to throw a glare at his older brother, who was taking his jolly-sweet time re-dressing himself.

Once they were both decent, Sam grabbed the other man and pushed his back against the wall, much gentler than he’d intended. “It’s about fucking time you got the clue,” he whispered against Dean’s mouth, before claiming it again.

Dean pushed him off. “Yeah, yeah, Princess. Let’s go. Wanna add to the odd godly stains back at the motel,” he said, with a waggle of his eyebrows.

Sam was left to stare at his brother’s retreating back with his mouth hanging open. Again? Dean wanted to go again? Well…after a moment of thought…he figured that since his dick was showing his excitement over it, he had to comply. Composing himself as much as possible, he followed Dean - and tried to walk like he wasn’t about to have the second-best sex of his life.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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