Assure Me in the Morning - SPN, Slash, R

Apr 12, 2007 22:33

Title: Assure Me in the Morning
Characters/Pairing: Sam/Dean
Word Count: 946
Rating: R
Warnings: Hand jobs, boy kissing, know, the usual
Disclaimers: They're not mine, but oh boy...if they were.... *goes to happy mental place*
Spoilers: None whatsoever
Author's Notes: Written for 
sleepless3333because I failed at this meme. For her reward, she wanted: sleepy, slowly and schmoopy "morning sex" fic.
Beta'd, per usual, by
Feedback: Is the stuff of life, yo! They're talking about adding it to the food pyramid, so I hear.

Summary:  After a bad hunt, Sam needs to feel Dean.

All fics found here.

The first thing Sam became aware of in the pre-dawn hours of the morning was his brother’s arms tightened almost painfully around his stomach. The night before had been rough: a hunt had nearly taken both their lives. When an exorcism goes wrong, bad things tend to happen. Luckily, Dean had recovered quickly and saved both their asses in just the nick of time.

The second thing Sam became aware of was Dean’s morning wood pressing into the side of his leg. He smiled to himself and came up with a plan. After a hunt like that, they usually fell into each other for a bout of rough, need-to-know-you’re-here sex. They’d both been too exhausted and freaked out, though, so they’d just fallen into bed, curled around each other and clung on for dear life.

But reassurance was always nice, regardless of when it came. Besides, better late than never, right?

Sam turned his body so that he was facing Dean, smiling at the way the streetlights illuminated the full lips and chiseled jaw. He reached down between their bodies slowly, careful not to wake the other man completely. His stealthily slipped his hand past the waistband of Dean’s boxer-briefs, keeping his eyes on Dean’s face for any sign of life, wrapped his fingers around the half-hard member and gave a tentative pull. Dean let out a little puff of breath and smacked his lips slightly but settled back into deep sleep immediately.

Sam chuckled to himself - quietly, of course - and began to stroke Dean to full hardness. He loved the feeling, the weight, of Dean in his hand. He knew he’d never be able to get enough of it, the overwhelming presence of his brother and everything it signified.

The heat radiating from his Dean’s dick got hotter as the blood rushed in and the muscle hardened underneath the smooth flesh. He gave a little whimper and Sam, who hadn’t even realized he’d shifted his gaze, looked away from the movement under the blankets back to his brother’s face. Dean was still asleep, though he was breathing considerably heavier and a crease had begun to appear in his brow. It was all Sam could to do to resist leaning over and kissing smoothness back into the soft skin. That would most certainly wake up the older man and he wasn’t ready for that quite yet.

Figuring he was safe, he focused back on the task at hand - no pun intended. Dean was completely hard now and Sam began to jack him in earnest. He swiped his thumb across the slit and gathered the drops of precum that had gathered there, smoothing the way for his hand. Dean started to subtly thrust into his fist, still sound asleep, as he added slight twists to the mix, knowing that if Dean were awake, it would drive him crazy.

Sam put his other hand to use on his own erection, which was poking out through the slit of his boxers, aching for attention. He got in a few strokes before he heard Dean moan deeply, ending the sound on a whispered, “Sammy.”

Sam’s eyes shot back up and his eyes met Dean’s heated gaze. Mesmerized by the sight, further distracted when Dean licked his lips, he didn’t feel Dean’s hand stop gripping his back until it was wrapped around his dick, peeling his fingers away.

Never looking away from the eyes of the other, lust-blown green burning into lust-blown hazel, the brothers jerked each other off in smooth, sure strokes, neither in a hurry to get off. They didn’t say a word but communicated nonetheless in moans and exhalations of breath, with an occasional whimper thrown in for good measure.

Sam could feel the build-up at the base of his spine and the telltale tingling pressure in his balls and he crossed the threshold to kiss Dean. Dean immediately responded, moaning and opening his mouth to receive Sam. Their tongues slid lazily against each other in a sort of dance, still slow, savoring the taste.

A few seconds later, Sam came in his brother’s hand, hot liquid spurting over onto both their chests. He panted, all but moaned, into Dean’s mouth and sped up his hand on Dean’s dick as best he could with the quickly oncoming haze of post-orgasm tugging at the edge of his brain. Half a minute later, with a low growl falling out of those sinful lips, Dean’s cum joined his on their bodies, coating his hand. Dean pulled back joining his younger brother in the panting.

As they both came down, Dean softly whispered, so as not to disturb the atmosphere his brother had created, “What was that for?”

Sam smiled at him lazily, knowing that his own hazel eyes must match the heavy-lidded, sated green eyes of his brother. “Just because,” he whispered back.

Dean smiled back and leaned in to place a chaste kiss on Sam’s swollen lips. “Okay, then.”

The brothers lay there, post-dawn sunlight streaming through the blinds, trading lazy kisses. They had nowhere to be and no one that needed immediate saving, it was just them for as long as they wanted. When Dean finally looked away from Sam and at the bedside clock, he realized that it was still early - 6:55 in the morning to be exact.

So he rolled back over, evidence of their sex still drying on both their bodies, and curled back into Sam. Since there was nothing to do, they may as well make the most of a day off, right? And, lying with Sammy, basking in the love that he provided? Dean couldn’t think of a better way to spend his time.

* * * * * * * * 
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