An Unexpected Gift - SPN, Slash, PG-13 ish

Apr 08, 2007 22:55

Title: An Unexpected Gift
Characters: Sam, Dean, John
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Word Count: 1, 562
Rating: PG-13 esque
Warnings: Incest, boy kissing
Disclaimer: I tried to offer my house to Kripke as payment for the boys, but then Mom found out and...yeah...back to the drawing board.
Spoilers: Maybe for Pilot and Devil's Trap...I don't think there are any others....
Author's Notes: Beta'd, as usual, by the lovely
Written for 
angstpuppybecause I failed miserably at the meme going around that I could figure out which story a line of her choosing came from. Her reward: she wanted 'John (because, I too am in papabeingdeaddenial) catches the boys in a...compromising situation. His reaction is not at all what the boys thought it would be.'
SO, I hope you like it! I'm not sure if it's what you wanted, but it's what the Winchesters supplied! *hugs* :)

Summary: John catches the boys act of a certain nature...

All fics found here.

John chuckled to himself as he unlocked the door to his motel room. There were telltale sounds coming from the adjacent room the boys were sharing, sounds that he’d heard plenty of times before. He figured that Dean had dumped Sammy off at the library and gone to pick up the waitress from the diner that morning or the bartender from the night before. Even with their chance at finding the demon again, a year after the crash and the subsequent trail loss, right before their eyes, boys will be boys. And, Dean was definitely a boy that liked to play.

He let himself into his room and deposited the beer and pizza in the little mini-kitchen and went to interrupt Dean. After all, he had food for all three of them and if he had to go pick up Sammy, he needed to know where that would be. So, he knocked on the door, calling, “Dean! I’ve got food…where is your brother?”

The moaning - very loud moaning - and the sounds of skin-on-skin stopped immediately. There was some scuffling around then a very male voice saying, “Shit!”

John knew that voice.

That voice belonged to his youngest son.

He tried not to panic - that was no big deal. They could have just switched places. Sam dropped Dean off somewhere and picked up a girl. It was more than likely. Sam was a young, hot-blooded male too, after all.

Of course, his hopes were shot down when Dean’s voice drifted through the old wood: “In a minute, Dad!”

John’s mouth went dry. He’d always suspected that his sons were…together. He had too many memories of meaningful glances shot between them at diners, whispering in the bed next to his, lingering touches around the time Sam turned seventeen. But, he’d never actually caught them in the act.

Until now, it would seem.

He raised his hand to knock again, but stopped himself, hand still poised. He needed to figure out what he was going to say to his boys before actually facing them. ‘Cause there was no getting around what had actually happened. Sam and Dean would know that they’d been caught and John was tired of pretending.

So what did he think about it? Incest was illegal and morally wrong, that was just a fact of life. But, since when had the Winchesters lived by the normal rules of society? It was a fact that people tended to bond during times of trauma - hostage situations, etc. And, he knew that the way his boys had been raised was traumatic enough. The life of a hunter was not an ideal one; it was even harder if you were just a kid. You made alliances where you could.

So, his boys had found each other…was that really such a bad thing? They’d found someone, which was rare in even a normal life. They had each other the way he’d had Mary. Isn’t that what every parent wished for their child? For them to find their other half? Sam and Dean had always been a pair, a team, a packaged set. Maybe that was more true than he’d ever really cared to admit.

John was about to knock again when the door was pulled open with incredible force and he came face to face with a very embarrassed Sammy. Sam’s face had gone a shade of red that would have worried even a doctor and he was staring resolutely at the ground as he mumbled, “Hey Dad,” and hurried off into John’s room for the food.

Dean appeared out of the bathroom, buckling up his belt. He followed Sam without saying a word, just giving his father a sheepish grin and closing the door behind him. John just smiled, even if it was a little forced, and followed them both into the other room.

“Sit down, boys,” John said as he closed the door and engaged the deadbolt.

Dean and Sam, both sets of eyes wide with fear, sat down on either bed and stared at their hands, or the floor, or the pizza, or even the door - maybe trying to figure out if they could run - but never at each other or their father. John cleared his throat a couple times before he finally got their eyes on him.

“I know what’s going on,” he started. He was immediately interrupted.

“Dad, we can explain.” “It was porn on the TV, Dad, I swear.” (That one was Dean’s.) “There was nothing happening.” “Just goofing off.” “Seriously, Dad.” “Nothing.”

John just held up his hand and waited for them to calm down again. Once he got total silence, he continued.

“I’m not stupid, guys. You weren’t always…discreet about this.” He had to stop again for a second as Dean and Sam both opened their mouth to protest.

“But, I’ve made my peace. Okay? I’m not condoning this by any means. It’s not right - morally or under the law. But…let me ask you this - are you happy? Like this? With each other?”

Dean looked at Sam and Sam looked at Dean. They looked like they were trying to decide how much to give up, how much to share and whether or not to ‘fess up. After a tense minute, in which they communicated in that eerily silent way of theirs, they both turned back to John and nodded.

“Yeah, Dad. We are,” said Sammy.

That’s all he needed to hear. He knew how Sam’s leaving for college had ripped Dean apart. And, he’d seen, on his visits to Stanford, how hard Sam had tried to be happy; but there was always a haunted look in his eyes, like a huge chunk of him was missing. His boys looked happy again. They looked complete.

“Okay, then,” he said resolutely. “I’m happy that you’ve found someone. I’m not happy that you found it with each other.” This last part was said with a slight grin. “But, that’s not my decision to make for you. It’s your prerogative. But, there are going to be some ground rules, got it?”

“Yes, sir,” the boys said in unison.

“I don’t want to hear it. I don’t want to hear you talk about. I don’t want to hear vague references or uncomfortable jokes. I don’t want to hear any blatant come-ons from either one of you towards the other. And, for Christ’s sakes, boys, if I ever catch you, I may have to take both of your lives and then my own. Is that understood?”

“Yes, sir,” came the reply again.


Dean and Sam both looked like they had won the lottery and didn’t want to show it. They were trying to hide grins that threatened to split their faces in two and they didn’t seem to be able to stop from glancing at one another. John needed to get away…soon.

“Now,” he said, clapping his hands nervously. “I need a drink. Several, actually. I’m just going to head to the nearest bar, okay? You two…just…eat your pizza…or…something…whatever.”

He grabbed his keys from the table by the door and headed back out to his truck. He sat there for a few minutes, just staring blankly at his steering wheel. He had just told his boys it was all right to be sleeping together? The Hell? He silently apologized to Mary and every other family member he could think of that might be watching down on them before starting up the engine and pulling out of the motel parking lot.

Yeah, he’d need more than one drink. Probably more than ten.

* * *

Sam and Dean lay tangled in each other’s arms later that night, exchanging short, sloppy kisses in the after-glow of sex. As Sam started to drift off to sleep, Dean spoke.

“So, he’s actually okay with this?”

Sam replied, “Well…we can always shout ‘Christo’ at him tomorrow…”

Dean laughed, the sound rumbling under Sam’s ear. “Nah, I don’t think that’s necessary. He seemed…oddly okay. There’s no way he couldn’t have known that we were…um…well, you know.”

Sam laughed this time. “Yeah, you were kind of loud.”

Dean smacked Sam in the side of the head. “I was loud? Who’s the one that always gets hotel management called on us?”

“Hey, that only happened once!”




“Yeah, love you too.”

Dean snorted at that last statement and Sam snuggled in closer. “I think he’s really all right. Well, as all right as a father can be when he knows what he knows.”

Sam sighed and nuzzled his face into Dean’s bare chest. “Yeah, I think you’re right.”

“It’s weird, you know,” Dean replied thoughtfully. At Sam’s silence, he continued, “I just always figured that once he knew, there wouldn’t be a breath left in either one of us.”

“I know what you mean. But, it’s better this way, isn’t it?”

“Yeah…I think so, Sammy…” Dean stopped talking then, because there was nothing more to say. He had Sam and Dad hadn’t killed them for it and life seemed pretty damn good to him.

“Dean?” Sam asked a few minutes later, placing a soft, wet kiss right above Dean’s heart.

“Hmm?” Dean half-grunted sleepily, unconsciously tightening his arms around his brother.

“I wasn’t lying, you know…I am happy with you…I just…thought you should know.”

Dean nodded and kissed the top of Sam’s head.

“I know Sammy. I love you, too.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
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