Doubled Over With Need - SPN, Slash, NC-17,sequel to Sometimes You Get What You Need and Want

Apr 05, 2007 21:59

Title: Doubled Over With Need
Rating: NC-17 (to be safe)
Characters: Dean, Sam, random state trooper
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Warnings: Incest? Yeah, incest.
Word Count: 1,640
Disclaimer: Oh, yeah right. If they were mine, fangirls would be much more satisfied!
Spoilers: none that I can find
Author's Notes:
Written for 
orphan_projectbecause she wanted to see a continuation where Dean got bent over the hood of the Impala. :) Hope you like it, darling!
Beta'd and titled by

SEQUEL to Sometimes You Get What You Need and Want.

Feedback is GREAT. Especially since I'm not sure if I like this....

Summary: Sam's a little impatient...

All fics found here!


“Yeah, Sammy?”

“Could you pull over?”

Sam sees the questioning look thrown his way by his older brother, but Dean doesn’t even ask why; he just does as he’s asked. Because it’s Sammy and Sam knows that Dean can’t refuse him.

Which is exactly what he’s planning on.

Dean’s little show in the woods had more of an effect that he’d originally thought. As if the fact he’d cum in his pants wasn’t bad enough, he’d been hard again almost immediately as Dean gave him that little smirk. And now it’s bordering on painful; it’s been three hours for Christ’s sake! He needs to take things with Dean further. Soon. Like, yesterday.

“Something wrong, Sam?” Dean says as he turns to Sam with too much concern etched on his face.

Trying to hide the mischievous smile that he knows is trying to creep across his face, Sam quietly gets out of the car and leans up against the passenger door. And, he waits, still trying to conceal his plan.

Dean climbs out of the car and walks around the front end so that he’s standing directly in front of his brother, looking up into his eyes. Sam puts on the wounded puppy look, knowing what the next move will be.

Dean reaches up to Sam’s face, as if he were going to check for a fever and Sam strikes. He grabs onto his brother’s shoulders and pivots them both, pushing Dean down onto the Impala’s hood. He immediately makes quick work of Dean’s fly, undoing it and getting his jeans down to his knees.

Dean, who’d managed a loud ‘umph’ as he hit the hood, suddenly starts laughing. “Now this is what I’m talkin’ bout Sammy! Atta boy!”

Sam laughs and leans down next to his brother’s ear. “You are going to feel me for a week, Big Brother.”

“I’m sure I am.”

Sam unzips his own jeans, letting his dick come out to play. He pulls the lube that he’d swiped from the glove compartment earlier - hey; he thought he might need it with the way Dean was moaning - from his pocket and flicks it open with his thumb. He pours a generous amount on his fingers and throws the closed bottle to the ground.

He whispers, “You ready for this?”

Dean nods, bottom lips clutched between his teeth and turning white. Sam nods back, an understanding shooting between them that no one is going to get hurt here and shoves one finger in. The older man rocks up on the balls of his feet, a slight grimace on his face at the intrusion.

Dean’s ass is tight, oh so tight, around his finger, only in to the first knuckle, and he nearly cums from that. But two mishaps in a period of four hours is not allowed to happen, so he releases his ironclad grip on Dean’s hip and grabs the base of his cock. At the same time, Dean pushes down and Sam’s index finger slides all the way home.

Then Dean moans. And, Sam’s pretty sure he’s got to hear a lot more of this.

He grabs Dean’s left hip again as he starts thrusting his finger in and out of Dean’s ass, adding a second finger as Dean starts to thrust back more greedily. Next comes a third finger and he starts twisting all three digits, spreading his brother open, knowing this is probably going to hurt like Hell for Dean.

Not that Dean’s moaning is an indication of pain or anything. And Sam thinks that maybe next time he’ll offer to bottom, if his macho brother likes it thatmuch.

He pulls his fingers out, smiling at Dean’s immediate honest-to-God whimper, and reaches for the discarded lubricant. He coats his cock, which has gone beyond aching to ready-to-explode, and leans down again. He kisses from the collar of Dean’s T-shirt, awkwardly reaching his mouth and slipping his tongue in.

After another whimper, he whispers in Dean’s ear, “If this is too much, stop me, man. Don’t wanna hurt you.”

Dean, being Dean, just nods and gives Sam’s bottom lip a playful nip. Sam chuckles and tries to ignore the spasm in his groin from that. Dean splays his hands out on the hood of the car in an effort to brace himself as Sam grabs his hips and guides himself in slowly, keeping his attention on Dean’s face for any sign that it’s too much.

Dean visibly stiffens more and more as Sam pushes further. But, he doesn’t complain, so Sam keeps going, trusting his brother to stop it if he needs to. As soon as he’s balls deep, he leans over and kisses the back of Dean’s neck, reassuring almost. Dean’s head falls forward and a moan so deep - and so freakin’ hot - comes out of Dean’s mouth, sounding like a single word.


Sam doesn’t need to be told twice. He pulls out slightly and slams back in, biting down on the skin underneath his lips at the same time. He starts out slow, letting Dean get used to the intrusion and speeds up. At some point, he arches his hips just right and hits Dean’s prostate, pulling a scream out of his brother’s mouth. As well as, “Holyfuckinghell do that again!”

So, he complies. Who can deny Dean Winchester when he’s writhing like a whore underneath you? He speeds up, the need and force that started the whole thing coming back into play. He gets aggressive, fast, and feels the telltale tingling in his balls all too soon.

On the verge of filling his brother up with his cum, Sam plasters his torso all along Dean’s back and reaches around to find Dean’s dick, which is getting friction against the cool metal of the Impala. He starts jerking his brother’s cock more-or-less in time with his thrusting, which is getting more erratic by the second.

He bites down, hard enough to draw blood, where Dean’s neck meets his shoulder as he comes with a loud yell. Stars start dancing around his head as every ounce of energy is milked out through his dick.

Dean pushes back once Sam’s done and takes over the job of jacking him off. Sam falls to his knees and turns Dean around, stopping his hand’s frantic motions. He licks the top of his brother’s amazing dick, reeling at the taste of Dean and glances up in time to see Dean’s eyes flutter close.

Another of those whimpers - which should be pathetic, but totally isn’t - and he takes Dean’s cock into his mouth.

Now, he’s never given a blowjob before. But, he’s gotten plenty. And, if Dean is turned-on just by the fact that it’s Sam, like he is with Dean, then there’s nothing to worry about. Barely 60 seconds of licking and sucking later, Dean’s cum is shooting down his throat in hot spurts - yet another thing that shouldn’t be so goddammed HOT!

Dean reaches down and pulls Sam up roughly, crashing their lips together. Dean lets out another moan that rattles them both and Sam seriously wonders if the man practices those. He knows that Dean tasting himself in his brother’s mouth is the cause for this one. He adds that to the list of experiences he needs to have in the next week. Or next twenty-four hours. Ya know, whatever.

The brothers pull back from each other, panting heavily, dicks still hanging out for the world to see. It’s only then that they fully realize that it’s 3:00 in the afternoon and they’re on the side of the road. There are no trees around for them to have hidden in. And, if anyone had driven by in the past twenty minutes, they’d have gotten one helluva show.

Dean and Sam exchange wide-eyed glances and hurriedly make themselves presentable. Dean is just doing up his fly when the police cruiser pulls up behind the Impala.

The boys turn to smile at the officer - a male, just great - and try to act like the picture of innocence. This is hard for even Sam to do so for Dean it’s just a sad sight. But, they try nonetheless. Too bad the officer looks like he needs to get laid - badly.

“You boys have car trouble?” the officer asked, glaring suspiciously at Sam, who vaguely wonders if he’s got cum on his face or something.

“No, sir,” Dean says to his right. “My brother here just started to feel sick is all. Don’t wanna ruin the upholstery, you know.”

He doesn’t dare to look, but Sam just knows Dean’s wearing that smirk that has charmed millions of cheap girls and local sheriffs across the continental US. The cop doesn’t look the least bit fooled, though. He just shifts his glare from Sam to Dean.

“He’s right, Officer. Must’ve been something I ate,” Sam chokes out. The litany running through his mind is something along the lines of Dear God, don’t let him find out I’m fucking my brother I don’t want to die. God please let him just walk away.

The guy gives each of them another glance-over and then sort of grunts. “Well, you boys get back on the road then. If you’re feeling better, that is. There’s a town twenty miles up if you’re not; you can stay there.”

The cop doesn’t give them time to respond, just turns and walks back to his cruiser. Both brothers let out their breath in a rush. Sam starts giggling and Dean smacks him in the back of the head before moving back to the driver’s side of the car.

Sam smiles and picks up the bottle of lube that’s still laying on the ground. If there’s a town up ahead, that means a motel. A motel means a bed. And a bed means…well…they’re going to need the lubricant.

* * * * * * * * * * 
As always, feedback is LOVE! Seriously, guys.

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