Lie With Me - Supernatural, PG-13, Drabble

Mar 06, 2007 13:37

Title: Lie With Me
Characters: Sam, Dean
Pairing: none...maybe S/D if you squint
Word Count: 485
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: slight mention of suicide, incest if you want to interpret it as such
Disclaimer: I don't own them...they totally own me. Sigh....
Spoilers: uh...just assume that every ep is a possible spoiler

Summary:  Dean's thoughts as he lie awake.

Author's Notes: This is unbeta'd - so all mistakes are mine and I apologize profusely for them!
This is my first drabble-y type thing, so reviews are greatly appreciated! I usually can't type short pieces, lol.

It’s the same routine every night.

Sam falls asleep and Dean stays awake, watching, listening, thinking.

He doesn’t understand how he can look at his brother and love him so much yet be so scared at the same time. He knows it’s a little irrational to be afraid of this person that he’s known nearly all his life. But, at the same time, he knows that he should be more afraid. He’s seen what the other kids can do. He’s seen the death and destruction that follows their every step.

He knows that Sam is supposed to be one of them.

He’s not really sure which part scares him more - the fact that Sam could turn into a killer, or that he could lose Sam forever.

Movement from the other bed distracts and pulls him from his thoughts, as it does every night. He looks over to find Sam tossing and turning in his sleep.

He glances at the furrowed brow, the shining of sweat that’s beginning to cover Sam’s entire body and he wastes no time in sliding in next to the younger man, gathering him up in his arms and placing a reassuring kiss on the shaggy hair, the broad forehead. He mumbles nonsensical words of comfort into his brother’s ear until he hears the panting even back out into sleep-breathing and he feels lanky arms wrap tightly around his torso.

Once again, he’s left to his thoughts.

And he vows, just like every night before and ever night after, that he is going to save his brother. Sam is all he has left, all he’s ever really had. He owes his life to this man, even if the other isn’t aware of that. So many times he’d thought of turning the gun on himself and every time Sam would pop into his head like the vision of an angel, staying his hand and restoring his sanity for just a little longer.

He is going to return the favor.

Sam is not a monster, could never be a monster. He’s going to prove that to everyone - Sam, hunters, demons, the world - even if he dies in the process. Dad inadvertently made watching over Sammy, saving Sammy his life mission when he placed the screaming bundle in his arms at 4 years old.

He is a soldier through and through - and a soldier doesn’t quit, doesn’t fail.

Just when he starts to fall asleep, he faintly hears the breath puffing across his chest form words. “Thank you…Love you Dean.”

He feels a smile tug at the corners of his lips and he wraps his arms that much tighter around his brother. Placing another kiss atop his brother’s unruly hair, he whispers back, “I love too, Sammy.”

It’s the same routine every night.

Sam falls asleep and Dean lies with him, promising to love him and save him as he too drifts into a dream.

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