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Comments 22

twissie February 2 2012, 17:50:30 UTC
Will we be included in the process before changes go live? lj_feedback?


amhrancas February 2 2012, 22:54:30 UTC
The Fast Company story caused considerable discussion regarding LiveJournal's plans for 2012. We’d like to address this.

And you then go on to COMPLETELY IGNORE the LiveJournal's leadership has made it clear that their future American business strategy lies in generating new traffic rather than catering to the service's current small-but-loyal membership. line which is what has ACTUALLY upset your small-but-loyal userbase (which, just so you know- IS FROM MORE PLACES THAN JUST AMERICA.

Bravo, LJ, bravo. You have taken the art of being obtuse to whole new levels 8|


patentpending February 5 2012, 21:50:14 UTC
And you then go on to COMPLETELY IGNORE the LiveJournal's leadership has made it clear that their future American business strategy lies in generating new traffic rather than catering to the service's current small-but-loyal membership. line which is what has ACTUALLY upset your small-but-loyal userbase

Exactly. At this point them making "statements" like this were they purposely circumvent any of the issues easily and literally understandable as they have been addressed by the users time and time again is just a dick move on their part. They have to literally be unable to comprehend what their users are saying and way, outright ignoring it, or they just don't give a shit and are purposely trying to aggravate what is left of the "small but loyal" userbase to get rid of the load and really make room for the new and shiny users.


davidkevin January 6 2013, 01:33:01 UTC

Coming back after a gap, it's so nice to see that despite two changes of ownership, LiveJournal management are still the same dicks they've been since 2003.

Ten years of consistent abuse of users -- that has to be some kind of online record.


alicephilippa February 3 2012, 09:19:54 UTC
"…We have plans, big plans, all focused on improving the user experience on the site as a whole…"
Yet the changes, so far, have done the exact opposite, making LJ barely usable for some. Carry on doing the "la la we can't hear you" and those "interesting and active communities" will be looking like ghost towns with tumbleweed blowing through.


shutter February 3 2012, 18:39:59 UTC
"we're planning updates for many features on the site over the coming year"



Subject box! debitha February 3 2012, 19:45:51 UTC
"You may have already noticed some changes to the site over the last couple months, but this is not the complete redesign - it is merely the beginning"

It cracks me up that you say that like we're meant to think that's a good thing. Leaving aside the eyebleeding badness of the new look (which I notice you have over-ridden in this account), scrapping the subject lines makes long conversations in your 'so-called "super communities"' untenable.


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