The Grand Entrance!

Oct 05, 2007 23:08

header by super_kc

Welcome to the LJ Prom '07!

You can use this post to say hi, tell us more about you and your date, show off your dress or shoes or anything else you've got that's shiny, ... and hook up with new friends and old buds! Oh, and gossip, of course!

Show us your goods! Dress and shoes and arm candy!

Tell us how you got such a catch to come to prom with you (or did they snag you?)!

Did you get a ride with anyone? Are you planning to ditch your date and make a play for Zac Efron? (hi, frances_veritas, how are you? ;)

Just chatter and have fun, guys. And don't worry about not being first to the party - it starts early and goes long so everyone (hopefully) gets a chance to play!
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