HOW MANY THINGS DO WE NOT KNOW ABOUT LOST? Comment with anything I've missed, be they questions I didn't list or answers I didn't realize I had.
1. Who is Daniel's mother?
2. Why does Widmore know the Island at all?
3. Who else does Sun blame for Jin's death (besides Mr. Paik)?
4. What happened to Annie?
5. Why doesn't Richard age and how old IS he?
6. Why does Locke have to die?
7. How does Locke die?
8. Why didn't the Others move around in time?
9. How long have the Others been on the Island?
10. Who are the Others in relation to the Island?
11. What is it that is affecting Charlotte more than anyone else?
12. What is Charlotte's history with the Island?
13. What was Daniel doing on the Island in the 70s?
14. What happened to Claire?
15. Who/what is Jacob?
16. What is unique about Desmond, exactly?
17. Why do pregnant women die on the Island?
18. Why is Locke special?
19. Why is Walt special?
20. Why do the Oceanic Six have to go back to the Island?
21. What is the smoke monster and how is it controlled?
22. Where did the wheel come from?
23. What did the DHARMA Initiative REALLY want to do at the beginning?
24. Is Hurley hallucinating or is the Island sending dead people?
25. Why is there only a 70 hour window of time?
26. What happens if the Oceanic Six don't make it on time?
27. Why can't Ben go back?
28. Why is Aaron special?
29. Does Aaron need to go back to the Island?
30. Does Desmond need to go back to the Island?
31. Why did John Locke use an alias?
32. Who is the economist?
33. How does the Island heal people?
34. Is Jin alive or dead, and where and when is he?
35. Why is Christian Shephard/Yemi/Kate's horse undead?
36. How does Miles know about Charlotte's past?
37. Why does the wheel send people to Tunisia?
38. Where do the polar bears come from?
39. Why is it freezing under the Orchid?
40. How is Mrs. Hawking involved in all of this?
41. What will the Oceanic Six do if/when they get back to the Island?
42. Why can't the Oceanic Six leave the Island again?
43. Who gave the order to kill Nadia and why?
44. Why would Kate's horse be on the Island?
45. Why was there a cow on the Island?
46. How did Patchy regenerate?
47. Who built the foot statue, and was it once more complete? What was it a statue of?
48. Why did Desmond wake up naked in the jungle?
49. How can Miles hear ghosts?
50. What are Jacob's lists for?
51. Who is Jill?
52. Why did Ben let Rousseau catch him? (Did he?)
53. Is Vincent the key?
54. What did Locke/Bentham say to Walt?
55. What things went wrong on the Island after the O6 left, besides the record skipping?
56. Why was Daniel crying that one time?
57. What are Ben's and Widmore's "rules"?
58. How did Jacob cure Rachel's cancer/Rose's cancer/Locke's broken back/stuff?
59. What did Daniel do to Theresa?
60. What's the deal with Abaddon?
61. What did the Smoke Monster do to Rousseau's people/what is "The Sickness"?
62. Whose canoes??
63. How did Ajira Airways bottles get on the Island?
64. Who was shooting the Funky Bunch from the other canoe?
65. Where are Bernard and Rose?
66. Why is it okay to just send some people to the Island all of a sudden?
67. Why did the Smoke Monster leave the French people alive but possibly crazy?
68. When was Miles on the Island before and why doesn't he remember?
69. Why was Ben beat up etc. in "316"?
70. Who is Abaddon working for?
71. What is "the war"? Who is it between?
72. Does Walt need to go back to the Island?
73. Who can I trust? ;__________;
74. How does Ethan survive the DHARMA purge?
75. How does Radzinsky survive the DHARMA purge?
76. Where is Daniel??
77. Why does that guy on my bus look so much like John Locke?
78. Doesn't shooting Ben kind of throw off the continuity a little, Sayid?
79. How do the Others heal Ben?
80. Do the Oceanic Six et al survive the DHARMA purge??
81. Who DOES Richard Alpert answer to? (Or: to whom does Richard Alpert answer?)
82. Why is Charles in charge (LOL) and Ellie and stuff? WHAT'S THE CHAIN OF COMMAND HERE, HMM?
83. What's in Ilana's crate?
84. What's Ilana's/Bram's deal?
85. Why doesn't Ben remember the Losties as DHARMA?
86. When did Ethan join the Others?
87. How does Locke know everything (i.e. where Smokey is) all of a sudden?
89. What lies in the shadow of the statue? (If you don't answer this I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO PISTOLWHIP YOU IN THE FACE)
90. Why does the Island talk to John like it has never talked to Ben?
91. Why can't anyone (besides possibly John) see Jacob?
92. Can you change the past/present/future?
94. Did the bomb WORK?
95. What is Lapidus a candidate for?
96. Who was Jacob's enemy guy and why couldn't he kill Jacob directly?
97. To whom was Jacob referring to when he said, "They're coming"?
BONUS QUESTION: Why is everyone hotter as zombies?