
Sep 24, 2009 00:02

I'm turning myself in soon and if anyone can help me out at all with bail money, I'll love you forever. If you want to just consider it a loan, I'll honestly pay it all back...you can ask anyone who's loaned me money. I'm just stuck between a rock and hard place right now and I need some help. Click the button below...you can use paypal or any ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

noteasytochoke September 24 2009, 13:45:01 UTC

What happened??


tasha_riot September 24 2009, 20:50:56 UTC
how much is your bail?


starstarstar September 25 2009, 07:34:28 UTC
i second this.


thelasttrueevil September 25 2009, 09:16:43 UTC
My bond will probably be around $50,000 meaning I'll need $5,000 for bail.


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