Stolen with audacity and cunning from
emeriin, 'cause I can't write at the moment (huge update to come with newsy news and random babblings).
We can all feel a little sucky about our writing ability sometimes. So this is the meme to try and deal with that. Comment here and I'll give you detailed love for as many of your fics as I can. Afterwards, post this
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Comments 6
Critic/146. Fic
I may not remember how I got into TGWTG, but I do remember the first Treehouse story that I read. It was short, it was sassy and I laughed my head off. This may have been the moment I started to fall for you I think.
Make yourself the hero
This story was where I really began to fall for the Hooker!Verse, in all its glory. Linkara’s need is so tangible and painful, and it remains one of my favourite stories from the whole saga. (What? If Twilight classifies as a saga this certainly does)
There Are No Prayers Here
The phrasing on this. My God. Bees. It’s so simple and yet shows so much of her character. And my absolute favourite line that you have ever written:
She knows that the Critic is walking along the railway edge and trying to fall off.
Hooker!Verse in general.You created this wonderful fantastically dark place where we can torture and maim our favourite characters. Whatever it started out as, it has become a living ( ... )
Also: "comment".
I love the mood of this story and the relationship you have between Ron and Hermione, everlasting and free. Ron is gone, yes, but that doesn’t immediately create a vacuum that Harry slides into. And the best part of this? HERMIONE IS IN CHARACTER!
we are beautiful, we are doomed
One little bit in particular. Film Brain/Donna. He’s still the boy we love so well, she is, well, I have issues with Donna. She doesn’t treat Paw right. But, for this moment, she’s a shining light to him, and I love you for that. Y and Lucy’s relationship is shown so beautifully here, and a visit from Harvey Finevoice is always appreciated.
The Writer
Oh God, Tai would be so proud of you for this. Meta crack!fic? *glee*
sometimes, the line walks you*fangirls out ( ... )
Ah. My crack!fic queen. I have followed you long and wide, and I bow to your fantastically warped mind.
Insano writes fan fiction?!
Oh good God. The first time I read this I was in fits of laughter. And the second, and third as well. Bennet - I don’t think anyone can write him quite like you do. And the ending - I want your brain to be able to come up with something like that.
Also, the A/N from Insano - I want it and need it desperately.
Schlumper’s Separate Ways
And then you broke my heart. This is my head canon for these guys. I note the story got many wibbles. Let me add my own. *wibble*. You made me seriously care about these characters, not just in a FoeYay kind of way, but in a “I want the best for you” kinda way.
The Treehouse SeriesHow do you do it? Seriously? You manage to keep everyone in character, even the members of the Treehouse and have these huge group scenes that feel natural and never lose pace ( ... )
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