Title: For Molly's Sake Fandom: Heroes Pairings: Matt/Mohinder and Sylar/Mohinder Rating: R Word Count: 1576 Spoilers: For season 2 Written for: inthevast! Look, you did bunny me massively
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Aw, Fey. I love your Matt/Mohinder. Matt struggles so hard and Mohinder is great. I love the attraction and the confusion and the uncertainty of it all. This was great. :D
Yay, thank you! I was never really massively into any Heroes pairings until this season, and them. I don't know what it is about them, but they're my newest favorite angst pairing. Mmm, angst. :D
Oh man, I'm so glad someone requested this, since it turned out awesome. You write these two so well! I love Mohinder's confusion about Christmas and Matt's argument for cable and the way Mohinder just kind of smiled in response.
How it's domestic, and that's kind of weird, but kind of good, but then Matt's sitting there and reading this other man's thoughts - oh, and his reaction to finding that Sylar stuff (when he was looking for hints about him, poor thing) was perfect.
You should write this kind of stuff more often. Good concept, though, especially with bringing in the Sylar stuff. Though I am a little biased. XD;
Thank you! It was kind of a random thing, when inthevast and I were chatting about fandoms, and she offered this as a secondary possibility for her fic. And I was massively bunnied for it, and here it is.
Thank you so much for the feedback. I'm still nervous writing these two. Like whoah.
Heehee, the specific request was 'Matt reading Mohinder's thoughts and finding out something he doesn't want to know about Sylar'. :D
I'm so glad that you were, since it turned out great. ♥ I can only hope I have as good luck with my Heroes fics. XD
You're welcome! I try to give feedback for the stuff you write for that I'm familiar with/interested in. (And your House fic will be going up soon, so you know!)
Um, why hello thar present!!! But seriously, you know what else I have to say about this other than thank you! And that is: Sequelx1000000000!!!!!! Seriously, I think we need one! I mean that was such a damn tease!
I loved that the beginning was Matt trying to make the holiday perfect for Molly and wondering if there was something between him and Mohinder. In the end it was all about Molly again, and I liked that parallel. I thought his reaction was perfect too. And damn, those thoughts of Mohinder's? Gah.
I'd really like to hear about Matt and Mohinder's upcoming discussion about what he "over-heard" too! With a side of jealousy. Gah! Pleeeease?
Comments 11
And this...
“Stabbing? Over a toy? That’s reprehensible.”
Haha, that was such a good Mohinder moment. It just sounds like something he'd say.
How it's domestic, and that's kind of weird, but kind of good, but then Matt's sitting there and reading this other man's thoughts - oh, and his reaction to finding that Sylar stuff (when he was looking for hints about him, poor thing) was perfect.
You should write this kind of stuff more often. Good concept, though, especially with bringing in the Sylar stuff. Though I am a little biased. XD;
Thank you so much for the feedback. I'm still nervous writing these two. Like whoah.
Heehee, the specific request was 'Matt reading Mohinder's thoughts and finding out something he doesn't want to know about Sylar'. :D
You're welcome! I try to give feedback for the stuff you write for that I'm familiar with/interested in. (And your House fic will be going up soon, so you know!)
Good request. 8D I like muchly.
Hehehe, we'll see! It's very random, for me, the Heroes fic.
I loved that the beginning was Matt trying to make the holiday perfect for Molly and wondering if there was something between him and Mohinder. In the end it was all about Molly again, and I liked that parallel. I thought his reaction was perfect too. And damn, those thoughts of Mohinder's? Gah.
I'd really like to hear about Matt and Mohinder's upcoming discussion about what he "over-heard" too! With a side of jealousy. Gah! Pleeeease?
Perhaps when the month is out, I shall see about whipping up a follow up! :D
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