Label me!!

Mar 23, 2006 03:24

Okay, so.. I was here before (under the name f_r_4_g_1_1_3) and then I stopped posting in my LiveJournal. I came back to LiveJournal today, and after making my first post, I came straight here. I figured.. I've changed some since my last application, so I would go ahead and redo it.

What should we call you?: Tyler
Age: 17
D.O.B.: September 26th, 1988
Location: Oklahoma
Sex: Male
Sexual Preference: Girls


Band(s): Nine Inch Nails, Misfits, Dead Kennedys, The Ramones, The Casualties, Snow Patrol, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Green Day, A Perfect Circle, Tool, Korn
Singer(s): Jonathan Davis, Trent Reznor
Song as of this moment: Misfits - Skulls
Movie(s): Donnie Darko, Fight Club, any horror movies...
Actor/Actress: Edward Norton
Color: Green
Quote: It's better to burn out than to fade away. -Kurt Cobain
T.v. show(s): Although the TV is constantly on, I don't watch it much. I try to catch Family Guy, The Simpsons, True Life and Ghost Hunters whenever I can though..
Book(s): Honestly, I'm not much of a book reader, but I think one of my favorites was Kurt Cobain Journals
Animal(s): Pandas and penguins..

*Opinions* Be as honest as possible.

Labels: I don't mind them, as long as people are labeled accurately. You can tell a lot about people by how they are labeled.. even if they label themselves. But false labels give false opinions and impressions.
One current event: Gas prices! Theyre a bitch.. here in the last 3 weeks they've went up 51 cents >.<
Organized Sports: I don't really like them, I don't like school sports or anything because if it's a sport that I like doing.. I don't want to be forced into doing it just to compete for some coach who acts like he or she is going to die if their team doesn't win... but, if you enjoy it, go ahead.. have fun.
Cliques/Social Groups: To have your own group of friends is cool, but don't hang out with someone JUST because of what you label them, and don't reject anyone from hanging out or whatever because of their label.
Gangs (like bloods, crips, whatever): Stupid. Just people who can't find any other friends, who need closure.. so they turn to gangs and violence to make themselves feel better.
Radio: I have to listen to it everyday going to school.. do I like it? No. It's all plagued with trendy music. Every once in awhile I'll catch a good song on though..
MTV: That M should disappear, I never see music on there anymore.. it's just one big reality network. I like a couple shows (like.. True Life) but, it shouldn't by any means be called MTV.
MTV2: When MTV started going down the drain, MTV2 came along.. and they DID play music constantly, no dumb shows to get in the way.. now it's getting as bad as MTV.
VH1: I don't watch it.. hopefully it isn't getting as bad as MTV.
Fuse(Much Music, same thing: Better. A lot more music..
National News (CNN, Fox News etc.): They choose what to show and what not to.. they're biased in a lot of ways..
Drugs (Meds, recreational... Whichever stirs you): I don't do drugs, I don't even take Tylenol when I'm sick.. I don't need them, if you want to do drugs, do it on your own time, now when I'm around or anything..
Alcohol use: If you do it, stay inside.. don't go out trying to cause trouble, don't get all loud and act stupid.. definatly don't go out driving. Be safe about it.. be mature about it.. don't act like you're 10.


Any pets?: One! I got a cat from my girlfriend almost a year ago.. my cats name is Sally. And I love her.
Piercings & tattoos? Post pictures if you'd like: 3 piercings, no tattoos. Two earrings in my left ear and one in my left eyebrow.
Why'd you pick the username you did?: Because every other damn username on LiveJournal is taken! Have you tried to pick one lately? Hate Ashbury is the name of a Day of the Sick song (my favorite local band)
What are your pet peeves?: I hate biased people. That's my main one.. there are other little things that annoy me, but thats what really gets to me.
What's your style like? (picture?): Wear a bit of black.. usually a band shirt.. if not that then a solid colored shirt..

What's your attitude like?: I have a real "I don't give a fuck" attitude sometimes (and sometimes I regret it).. if you made a good first impression on me, I can be your best friend.. if I don't like you.. you'll definately know it. I do get along with a lot of people.. dispite being an asshole at times :D
What are your friends like? (pictures?):

My friends Jeff and Garrett..

My friend David..

My amazing, and beautiful girlfriend Taniel, whom I love with all my heart. ♥

What are your hobbies?: Playing guitar, listening to music, watching movies, skateboarding..
What is one thing that is important to you?: Taniel.. we've been together for over 13 months now, I don't know what I would do without her.
How do you like school?: Schools just fine, but that could be because I go to an alternative school. There are a lot less people, and it's work at your own pace.. so I'll be done by next christmas :)


How'd you find this community? (be specific): My homie ipukeglitter!
Why do you think WE should accept YOU?: Because I'm a nice guy, and I would be an active member in the community.
What are you most commonly labeled?: Punk, Skater, Goth (although, I don't really think so.. it's just because I wear black)
If you were to label yourself, what your label be?: I don't know.. probably skater..
please promote in 1 place and provide a link (try to avoid promo communities): I'll post a link in my LJ.
Please post at least 2 decent pics including 1 full body shot:

This is the closest I have to a full body shot. This was taken when I joined the community on my old name...

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