#005 - we're all mad here

Jun 29, 2016 22:24

Title: we're all mad here
Author: silentlybelieve
Fandom/Characters/Pairing: soloist / f(x) / red velvet ; sulli-centric ft. krystal & irene.
Rating/Warnings: pg-15[spoiler!]
psychological disorder.

Challenge # & Prompt: #005 - children
Word Count: 786w.

day 3. 8:32.

Rubbing her eyes, Jinri slowly sat up on the bed, looking around the room in search for a special someone. Her eyes twinkled with excitement as soon as she spotted her friend, but before she could shout out Soojung's name, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

With a wide smile planted on her face, Aunt Joohyun walked in with what looked like breakfast. But there was only one tray of food. Jinri pursed her lips together into something similar to a pout.

"What about Soojung's?"

The older female's eyes grew in surprise. A few moments later, she responds. "Soojung woke up a little early and already had breakfast."

"Oh. Why does Soojung always wake up earlier than me? We go to sleep at the same time."

"Guess you're just the sleeping beauty, Jinri. But right now, it's time for breakfast. You have to eat up if you want to play all day."

Taking one last look at her friend who was silently playing with the dollhouse in the corner, Jinri got out of bed and walked over to the desk, sitting down calmly. She already had a list of things she wanted to do with Soojung today.

day 15. 13:51.

"Soojung-ah, which flowers do you like best?"

A beaming smile spread across her friend's face before she pointed at the scarlet red roses. Gasping in surprise, Jinri nodded before hugging her friend tightly.

"No wonder we're best friends! Roses are my favorite too! You want to make a bouquet?"

And without even waiting for a response, Jinri reached out to pick the different flowers in the garden. Her mother would like these very much.

day 15. 15:07.

"Mommy! Look at what Soojung and I made!"

The female ran across the hall straight into her mother's embrace as she held out the bouquet of flowers that she had made. "I picked them all by myself. Aren't they pretty?" Jinri looked up at her mother with eyes full of anticipation.

"These are very pretty, Jinri-yah but don't just go picking the flowers outside. This isn't our house you know."

Nodding her head up and down, the child quickly tried to change the topic. "Isn't Soojung's nice too? I think her's is prettier than mine."

"I-It's very nice as well."

"Soojung says she wants to be a florist"

"Really? Well, I'm sure she'll do a very nice job in the future but right now, let's get you washed up."

Jinri looked down at her hands that were all covered in dirt and other gross brown stuff. Her nose scrunched up in disgust before she took Soojung's hand into her's, following her mother into the bathroom.

day 34. 17:38.

"Ew. Green beans. I hate green beans."

Dinner was being served, but there was nothing in particular that Jinri actually liked. Tofu, kimchi, and fried rice with green beans. Lots of them. The frown on her face was almost inevitable, and she tried her best to pick them all out. She still liked the fried rice.

"Soojung-ah, you like green beans, right? You can have all of mine, blech."

She stuck her tongue out as if to emphasize her disgust for the vegetables before moving all the beans onto her friend's plate.

"Eat up! You have to eat a lot if you want to get as tall as me!"

day 46. 18:49.

A sigh.

And another.

That's all that would leave her lips. Checking down at her clipboard, Joohyun closed her eyes tightly before letting out a frustrated groan. She leaned her head against the glass window. No progress. There had been absolutely no progress.

Upon sighting Jinri's parents, she stood up straight again. She never knew what to tell them. White lies were frowned upon here. People wanted the cold, hard truth.


Joohyun looked up, shaking her head slowly. This wasn't the news she wanted to deliver either.

"Will she ever get better?"

There were tears in Mr and Mrs. Choi's eyes. Of course there would be. Their child was mad.

Mrs. Choi had the same sad look in her eyes as Joohyun as she stared at her daughter from the other side of the window. There was her only child. Her eyes swinging back and forth as she held a pillow in her hand. A pillow fight. That's what was going on. A pillow fight with Soojung.

Soojung. Her name was Jung Soojung. She was the same age as Jinri, a little shorter, her eyes a bit sharper as they slightly pointed upwards, her hair curly and jet black in contrast to Jinri's short, light brown hair. Soojung was Jinri's best friend.

Too bad Soojung didn't exist.

a/n: this turned out less creepier than i would have wanted tbh, but this was my first time writing anything like this! i'm always so used to writing fluff. it was nice to step out of my comfort zone.

#005: children, group: red velvet, group: f(x)

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