Setsuna still sees bugging Demyx as one of the highlights of his day. :D Demyx is just too easy sometimes. But he also honestly does think of them as friends and were Demyx ever in any sort of stupid trouble, Setsuna would have his back. o/ He thinks they make an awesome team.
Toboe loev everyone. He's very easy to earn super high impressions from as long as you are nice to him and play with him. He is always a bit confused around Demyx though because Demyx talks about so many things he doesn't understand. :|a
Lelouch thinks Demyx is an idiot, an idiot who likes to get a rise out of him. :\ BUT Demyx has a very useful power, which he will be keeping in mind~.
Setsuna wants to punch Hatter in the face repeatedly!!! But since CFUW is not camp-canon, he only sees Hatter as slightly a bit of a dick and wants to punch him mostly for screwing with him. Though Setsuna is also super mrrrrr whenever Hatter is around Raphael because he knows about that. >>
As far as Zero and Okita... gosh, I don't know if there's anything new. :( WE NEED TO PLAY THEM OFF EACH OTHER AGAIN. I just remember Okita is one of those vampires that Zero knows had no choice and therefore is slightly more lenient toward as long as he doesn't BITE.
... Maybe. Probably. Oh fine, yes. Machika really reminds Zero so much of how he misses the way things were with Yuuki at the academy. So while Machika's exuberance makes him a bit nostalgic and happy, it also makes him extremely edgy because he's not sure if he should still think about the past. He also worries that sometimes Machika takes on more than she can really handle because of her determination so part of him wants to protect her. But he also respects her abilities and wavers on this. She is also one of the ones that try to reach out to him, which he tolerates but is not sure how he can really tell her all that's wrong. He tells her a lot more than he tells most people though since she's sincere and sincerity reaches Zero. But yes, he likes Machika a lot. Though he's waryyyy about Machika's push to stay with him at times of danger because that's too close to partnership for him and Zero tends to balk at that now. :x He doesn't want a partner anymore, even though Cross would probably force one on him if he could, as happens
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I'm assuming you just want me to cover Rico's part because SOTU for Lelouch is that HE IS PRETENDING HE IS NOT READY TO HAVE AN EMOTIONAL BREAKDOWN. o
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Oh god... Their shared experiences of attempted honesty gone horribly wrong will only bring them closer together. I will essay / relationship meme on this when I'm not falling asleep at the keyboard.
OMG TOBOE LOEV CINDY SO MUCH. She is one of his favorite people at camp and she both recognizes the wolf in him but also doesn't talk down to him or treat him like a kid. Which he super loves! PETTINGS FOREVER.
Comments 29
Toboe loev everyone. He's very easy to earn super high impressions from as long as you are nice to him and play with him. He is always a bit confused around Demyx though because Demyx talks about so many things he doesn't understand. :|a
Lelouch thinks Demyx is an idiot, an idiot who likes to get a rise out of him. :\ BUT Demyx has a very useful power, which he will be keeping in mind~.
Or alternatively, Zero on Okita?
As far as Zero and Okita... gosh, I don't know if there's anything new. :( WE NEED TO PLAY THEM OFF EACH OTHER AGAIN. I just remember Okita is one of those vampires that Zero knows had no choice and therefore is slightly more lenient toward as long as he doesn't BITE.
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