Title: Obsession (fourth part)
thekeyholder (Brigi)
Pairing: BellDom
Rating: PG13/PG
Beta: my German sister,
autumn_shudder! Thank you, dear! *hugs*
Summary: AU story based on Dom and Matt's journals. Dom is a first year uni student who moves to a new apartment. Matthew, his neighbour, is a weird painter, who decides to play the voyeur...
Feedback: is bringing a crazy smile on my face, so make me happy, please!
Warning: Voyeurism. :P
Disclaimer: I don't own Muse or any other band/song mentioned. However, the story is mine, so don't steal!
Author's Note: This part is dedicated to
laurad2609! Happy Birthday, dear! May all your dreams come true! As always, sorry for the huge gap between updates, but I can see the ending now. I say 2 more parts and we're done. :) I hope the text is right because I had to do it in html and it took me a ridiculous time. xD
Previous parts:
PART 1. |
PART 2. |
PART 3. 28th November 2010. (Matthew)
There isn’t much news to tell…In fact, I’ve mostly been thinking about clever plans to make Dom realise that what I feel is not a mere attraction to his good looks. I know, I know that we haven’t talked a lot, but talking is not the only way to get to know someone. I can deduce his mood and characteristics from different things. If he listens to music in the morning, he’s in a good mood and I might even see a smile on his lips. I noticed that he has a fondness for mail; checking his emails is the first thing he does in the morning and he peeks into the mailbox every day before leaving for uni.
His things are always in a neat order and he’s kind of a clean freak (he’d faint if he saw the state of my wardrobe). Dom also must have a kink for doing the washing up; I sometimes see him washing his flatmate’s stuff. Or maybe he just likes to have everything clean around him; another reason why he’d hate me. I’m the personified chaos). It’s a real show when Dom sits down to eat: he usually watches videos in the meantime - stand up comedians - and he laughs so much he’s bursting into tears. Man, I wish I could make him laugh like that…
Anyway, I’m still waiting for a good tactic to conquer his heart.
29th November 2010. (Dominic)
Ah, I feel so bad that I don’t even know why I’m writing in my journal. They say that writing helps relieving pain, but does it work on embarrassment as well?
When I came home, I saw Mr. Pervy, I mean Matthew, carrying some heavy boxes, but he couldn’t open the front door. I rushed there, flung it open for him and even smiled politely, despite the obvious tension between us. He just nodded with a blank expression on his face and walked into the house…and I stood there like a jackass, waiting maybe for lightning to blast through me. This is ridiculous, why do I care about a neighbour who’s been spying on me?
I admit, I acted like a fool at the university when I ran away from him, but he shouldn’t be so offended. Or is his indignation just? I don’t know, maybe. You should have seen his cold stare, I have no idea how he squeezed so much despite into it! I feel awful, so I guess I’m going to watch a comedy and eat some chocolate - maybe that’ll make me feel better.
30th November 2010.
I’m sitting at my desk, trying to ignore the fact that Dominic is reading at his window, sometimes - he thinks secretly - throwing a glance in my direction. The temptation is strong, but I have to go on with my plan… My sister, unknowingly, gave me a fabulous idea!
You know those Advent calendars children usually get to make the waiting for Xmas easier? Well, Julia still demands one every year, even though she declares herself a young lady. xD While I was teasing her about it, the abovementioned genius idea crossed my mind…
So, I will make Dom an Advent calendar, but not with chocolate. No, chocolate is clichéd. He will receive a nice, love poem every day in his mailbox. That means I will have to wake up earlier than him and I will have to lurk for his reaction, but I hope it will worth the effort in the end.
1st December 2010.
When I saw today’s date, a warm excitement coursed through my body at the proximity of Christmas and winter holidays. I saw that there was something in the mailbox, and even though I mostly get advertisement, I felt a smile tug at my lips. Here comes the weird part…it wasn’t an advertisement, but a yellow, folded piece of paper with a big ‘1’ written on it. I open the paper only to find this poem:
“Passing stranger! you do not know how longingly I look upon you,
You must be he I was seeking, or she I was seeking, (it comes to me as of a dream,)
I have somewhere surely lived a life of joy with you,
All is recall'd as we flit by each other, fluid, affectionate, chaste, matured,
You grew up with me, were a boy with me or a girl with me,
I ate with you and slept with you, your body has become not yours only nor left my body mine only,
You give me the pleasure of your eyes, face, flesh, as we pass, you take of my beard, breast, hands, in return,
I am not to speak to you, I am to think of you when I sit alone or wake at night alone,
I am to wait, I do not doubt I am to meet you again,
I am to see to it that I do not lose you.” (Walt Whitman)
You can imagine my shock! I didn’t even know what to do, but then I remembered I had somewhere to go, so I hid the paper in my coat’s pocket and went to the bus station. I am certain that I’ve never seen the handwriting…although I have an idea who it could be. At first, I wanted to tear the paper into pieces, but the poem is quite nice, right? Who am I to destroy art? What should I do then? Send it back? But if I put it in my neighbours’ mailbox, anybody else from the Bellamy family could find it. That young girl, who I assume is Matthew’s sister, might think she has a secret admirer! Or worst, maybe Mrs. Bellamy would think that! :O And then her husband would come and kick my ass!
If I were a brave man, I would knock on their door and ask to talk to Matthew. Then I would throw the love declaration in his face and tell him to stop his silly game because I will never ever feel the same. But I’m awkward and could never do that. So I stared at the note during a course and wondered what that one means. Then I kind of admired the careful and elegant letters, trying to ignore the message of the poem. I noticed Charlotte eying me suspiciously, so I put the note away, but I didn’t stop thinking about it.
2nd December 2010.
Okay, this is getting a bit creepy! I’ve just checked my mailbox and surprisingly (or not!), there was a piece of yellow paper with a big ‘2’ on it. This beautiful poem was inside:
“There is a candle in your heart,
ready to be kindled.
There is a void in your soul,
ready to be filled.
You feel it, don't you?
You feel the separation
from the Beloved.
Invite Him to fill you up,
embrace the fire.
Remind those who tell you otherwise that
comes to you of its own accord,
and the yearning for it
cannot be learned in any school.” (Rumi)
I guess this means I will get a poem every day? Until when? Until I surrender? I tell myself that I will get a poem until I die then, but I think I’ll go nuts first. I don’t want to think about this anymore. However, I will get up earlier tomorrow morning and be on the lookout for the enamoured “postman”.
4th December 2010.
Bloody hell, Dominic is such a sneaky boy! That’s why I had to wait until I was sure that he went to bed so I could slink to the mailbox and hide the newest poem. He woke up very early yesterday morning and stared at the mailbox from his window as if his life depended on it. Imagine his face when he found the poem, haha! He stomped and his face turned bright red. He really thought he could catch me so easily?
Although it would be very awkward if he did see me in action, right? I must admit that I find that prospect exciting…to see the deep blush on his face, the flare of “anger” in his eyes, the trembling of his lips…Yes, maybe I shouldn’t bother to hide that well. ;)