Title: But where's your heart? Part 3. (mini-series)
thekeyholder (Brigi)
Pairing: Belldom
Summary: Based on the following prompt on
mkmeme : "teen!Matt meets teen!Dom at a *insert emo band here* show. They are both wearing girl jeans and eyeliner." Our boys meet at a My Chemical Romance gig. :D:D
Feedback: is very appreciated!!!
Rating: PG
Beta: the
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Comments 32
I'm so glad Holly was able to beta it! :D
Haha and I love Sandy xD she's cool, she reminds me of a friend of mine....
And I have been in Dom's spot multiple times, not good xD
Ahh, this makes my day. I will do a perfect presentation for French just because I was able to read something like this in the early morning. :)
(I'm not making any sense, am I? :P )
I really hope your presentation at French went well; please tell me when you have time how it was! *keeps fingers crossed*
LOL Sandy is the typical, very curious little sister, but she has good intentions. xD What do you mean by being in Dom's position? You had to protect your friends?
Thanks so much for your nice comment, it did make sense for me! ;) *hugs*
It went quite well, my only negative points were that I'd made a grammar mistake.
And with being in Dom's position I mean that my friends (or even my parents) say embarrassing things about love and sex and stuff -_-
We're having sexual education again, but now more elaborate, and we were all given a condom today, so when I got home I told my mum I had gotten a condom (which made her laugh) and she said that I should safe it for camp or for 'you know who'. I have been in a lot of these situations lately, especially when it includes him....so...yes... xD
*hugs* <333
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Ah, thanks so much for reading, I thought nobody would remember this story! xD I must say that I haven't heard the new MCR album, but I listened a lot to The Black Parade back then. Yes, Demolition lovers is a meaningful song! <333 *hugs*
They're just so cute I can't even ♥
And bonus points for MCR being in this.
Thanks so much for reading, I'm glad you liked it! <333 *hugs*
You're welcome! *hugs back*
The whole thing is just adorable. I particularly love your Matt here. :)
Also, you're making me want to start listening to MCR, lol. I've never really heard their stuff beyond the big singles, but they've always seemed pretty fantastic.
Your comment made me so happy; I'm glad that you liked Matt, he's quite sensitive, right?
Ha, this is a secret, but I don't really know their songs either! xD Especially the new ones; I haven't even listened to their last album! xD
Thanks again for reading and commenting! ^_^
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