Here we go again. This time #5 of Top 5. If you missed the previous one;
Pepa/Silvia Picspam - the runnerups -READY, SET, AIM.
See I get why you're frowning at this pick as number 5. So many gloriously well-acted and emotional scenes and I pick this one?! It's not nearly their best scene, but to me therein lies the attraction. This scene is pure potential. A potential so potent you almost wish you'd gone for the shepherd's pie instead, or at least had the guts to order a glass of milk to sooth your palate.
Even though their chemistry is not what it would come to be, something that actually works for their story, it is still there. As you watch their interaction you automatically absorb that feeling of something slightly awkward yet achingly familiar between them. Their "naughty" history is gently hinted at in their dialogue only to be further emphasised as Don Lorenzo makes his dislike for the tall brunette abundantly clear through stares of contempt and frowns of disapproval. His interruption also works to further drive home the point of Pepa's importance to Silvia, as well as showing how infectious Pepa's "rebellious" nature is, as the redhead clearly disregards her father's frown/stare/flustering and lets her hands linger on the taller woman's shoulders.
And even though Pepa apologises for the outcome of their adolescent naughtiness, you know she'd never take it back, not really. As the
"best shot of San Antonio", whose brilliant aim we got to witness at the beginning of the scene, then goes and bypasses Silvia's cheek in favour of her lips you know there are no mistakes between them (not yet at least).
Pepa swings between focused intention and showing off her playfulness. Silvia goes from a neutral professionalism to impressed to surprised and finally lands on endeared. As a viewer you go from interested to very interested while swinging between hopefulness and curiosity. It is far from their best work or scene, but it is a reference point that is incredibly interesting to look closer at. Not just because of the actresses tentative chemistry, but also because of the way the writers actually set things up. Their almost Romeo & Juliet-esque backstory is firmly planted and their future securely sown. Nothing about this pairing appears to have been accidental, other than the sizzling chemistry Laura and Marian ended up bringing to the table.
Yeah, might not objectively be their greatest, but the way it makes you share their ending smiles and tentative hopefulness puts this scene as #5 on my Top 5 list.
Episode 5x10/63 "Las últimas palabras de Julio Olmedo")
3 Random Reasons to Love
( Pepa )