Nikki&Nora Pic/Dialogue-Spam (part 1)

Aug 24, 2009 22:00

After having developed a love affair with enfermeira_chan's beautiful Spams I decided to shamelessly steal the style and create my own. They do say stealing is the truest form of flattery...that or they send you to prison. And in the words of Jason Stackhouse, "I'm too pretty for prison".

As I recently spent way too much time capping this pilot I thought it would work as an ideal starting point. Also there are still way too many caps littering my harddrive so expect a part two.


Dan:I guess it’s true what they say- money dates money.
Nikki: Not all the time.
Nora remains conspicuously quiet.

Bobby: She’s not gonna quit until you get married and start popping out grandkids. Maybe if you just told the family- about you and Nikki.
Nora: It’s not gonna happen Bobby.
Bobby: You should give them a little more credit. I mean I took it okay.
Nora: You walked in on us. I had to tell you. Besides if you remember- it took me six months to convince you it wasn’t because I hated men.
Bobby: Okay. Alright. But I wouldn’t blame you if you did. You and mom living with all those boys in the house.
Nora: That just made me tough.

Arthur: That’s a pretty necklace.
Nikki: Thank you. Nora gave it to me.
Arthur: Oh…well, hm…she has good taste. [beat] What’s the occasion?
Nikki: God I wish I knew.
Arthur: [Laughs] Your mother used to get furious with me for missing birthdays, anniversaries…
Nikki: Really? It’s you I’ve got the bad memory from. Thanks.

Nora: I could use a drink.
Nikki: I could use a bath.



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