Title: What time is it? (Adventures on the couch Time!)
Category: Axis Powers Hetalia / Hetalia World Series
Characters/Pairings: Greece & Japan being dorky
Genre/Rating/Warnings: humor/G/mostly dialogue only interaction
Summary/Excerpt: Herakles and Kiku spend an entire day on the couch. Their minds, however, don't.
A/N: For the
giripan holiday
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Comments 13
Love it when these two play children's games together like that, lol.
You are a genius for writing this. ^^ Wonderful, wonderful job!!
Although I can't help but think that the dialogue was OOC for Japan...even with Greece, I don't think Japan would act like this without some strong persuasion. I was half-expecting a scene where Greece gently coaxed Japan into roleplaying along with him and not worrying about how silly he might sound. But maybe it's just because I'm reading this after another day of cramming for my exams? It might make more sense when I reread it at a later date.
/is so very amused
Somehow I knew you'd say this, or if not, then someone would comment about it and yeah, the thought crossed my mind X'DD
Earlier today I was trying to see if the dialogue still worked if you slapped on another pair of nations, but LOL I dunno ^^; recently, my image of Japan is changing and I can't write him quite right yet
But thanks for the comment! :D
I was just trying to give a bit of concrit, honest, and I was kind of fatigued from exam studying too. Upon rereading, I can see that Japan's initial hesitation is actually shown a little bit at the beginning when he doesn't seem quite sure of how to respond to Greece's statements and he seems to have gotten into the acting flow in the following parts.
I still think that it could have been fleshed out more, though, and that the dialogue-only aspect may have detracted from that. Not that your fic's bad by a long shot; it's very nice and original, but I do like giving concrit, so...
Yeah, I'll just slip away now to study more.
I'll admit tho I was pressed for time writing this because of thesis and the dialogue was an easy way out X'DD
Good luck with exams!
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