[APH] the ol' hot pepper in the mouth trick

Sep 17, 2011 13:31

Title: the ol' hot pepper in the mouth trick
Category: Axis Powers Hetalia / Hetalia World Series
Characters/Pairings: Greece/Japan
Genre/Rating/Warnings: general/G/lameness...

Summary/Excerpt: The summer is hot and Greece insists on making it hotter.

A/N: For the aph_fluffathon! If any lame puns make their way into this fic, I'm terribly sorry. I'm watching Beyblade while typing.

the ol' hot pepper in the mouth trick

"Oh god, it's so hot. Please move."

Herakles woke up, somewhat disconcerted with a foot in his face. He inhaled sweat and good night baby powder.


And he was promptly kicked away.

It was the height of summer and the heat was absolutely ridiculous. The night before, the pair had decided to fall asleep halfway out on the hallway of Kiku's dojo in the hopes of getting blessed by some evening cool. They had woken up at 3pm the next day with a massive headache and tried to sleep it off despite knowing it would make the pain worse. Somewhere in the attempt, Herakles had gotten frisky, much to Kiku's bewilderment.

At first he said, "Herakles-san, you wouldn't want to be too close to me. It's too hot." But then it dissolved into half-crazed moans brought on by delirium, pleasure and near-exhaustion, all for honoring Herakles' lovely logic of doing strenuous things in hot weather just for the sensation that came after the activity was done.

After a frustrated romp on the tatami, the sweat cooling on their skin was a short-lived comfort.

It was now nine in the morning and they were both sprawled out the same spot they were on yesterday, barely rested and somehow out of breath. Herakles sat up and looked about. The floor was damp beneath him and the sun was in his eyes. He pushed Kiku's offending foot off his shoulder and tried to shake him awake. The touch almost burned.

"It's like I haven't seen morning for a while."

"Hot," Kiku mumbled, still asleep and moved away.

Tired even having just woken up, Herakles sighed and lay back down beside him. He scooted closer to Kiku and spooned him against his chest. The heat of the summer rose between them like the inside of a bread toaster.

Out of discomfort, Kiku groggily woke up. "Herakles-san?"

"Wake up starshine, the world says hello," Herakles smiled into his hair.

Kiku groaned, too tired to complain or fight against the other man. He laughed a bit and merely remarked. "Our summers are really something. I honestly wonder why you're here every year."

"Well...so I'd have a legitimate reason to lie around and do nothing with you."

And the heat, stickiness and headache became just a bit more bearable. After a while Herakles relinquished his hold and they rolled onto their backs, trying to find patterns in the age worn ceiling.

"We should...do something today," Kiku whispered, close to falling asleep."

"We should," Herakles agreed.

They didn't move.


fandom: hetalia, char: greece, pairing: greece/japan, char: japan, ! oneshot, @ aph_fluffathon, genre: general

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