So. Got crushed by a pile of stuff exploding - literally! - from our storage closet today. Less than comfortable. Spent 3 hours putting the stuff back into some semblance of order. Found a bunch of books. Remembered that I purchased a copy of Geir T. Zoega's Concise Dictionary of Old Norse a while back. Wonder where it is. Know where it's not
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So, today was, I think, the best way to spend the day after Graduation:
I wasn't hungover from the drinking last night, I was victorious at the 40k campaign today, made some delicious curried lamb for dinner, watched like three hours of The Transformers with Emily, Joel and Patti and had Oreos.
Evidently all of my IM programs have crashed. For those of you with whom I was chatting, many apologies and I'll catch you later, but I'm going to bed now; big day (again) tomorrow
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So, I just cleared out my Brock Email box - I forwarded a total of 117 emails to my Gmail account. Of course, there were over 700 emails there in total, the vast majority of 'em from the Book of Many Faces
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So, I've had some adventures as of late. Sure, some people may call them misadventures, but I say that anything I walk away from with a new story or a new scar is an adventure
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Never give in - never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. Sir Winston Churchill
1) Got my customary semi-annual hair cut and beard-trim. As usual, I say it's too short, but then again, if I could get away with braiding the beard, I would
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