Title: Burn The City Down: Preface
Author: Kate (
Rating: PG for this part, PG-13 for the whole story
Word Count: 272
Spoilers: None, AU.
Summary: Alice had known of many things in her life that had been inevitable.
Disclaimer: Stephenie Meyer owns it all... for now.
"On the edge of destiny, you must test your strength."
- Unknown
Alice had known of many things in her life that had been inevitable.
It had been inevitable when Eric Yorkie broke his arm after falling out of a tree when they were seven. Stupid boy. She had told him it would happen.
It had also been inevitable when Mike Newton had gotten a solid knee to the groin after trying to feel her up on the third date. Even though she had warned him earlier in the evening that she wanted to take things slow, despite knowing that he wouldn't listen.
And it was inevitable that she would be standing here, staring into the cold, crimson eyes of one of the most devastatingly beautiful creatures she’d ever seen.
Inevitable. Destiny.
Alice had known for some time that it was her destiny to be here, on this night, in this place. And she felt no fear. There was only peace... and anticipation. Adrenaline flooded through her, making her heartbeat increase. The eyes watching her faded suddenly from crimson to black.
"Well?" Alice asked, feigning nonchalance as she crossed her arms. "Are you just going to stand there all night or are you going to kill me?"
The eyes narrowed, and ruby red lips curled up in a smile. "As you wish."
There was a snarl and the creature before her turned into a blur. Alice had half a second to brace herself for the impact. Half a second to hear the strangled cry of outrage nearby. And then her body collapsed as the vampire struck, bearing her to the ground.