Title Giant Invader Holiday Art Dump! Artist ani_bester rating all G Warnings NA Notes Various Invader related art I've done this month for various x-mas related projects :) Thought I'd put 'em all up here.
Thank you so much :) Hee I need to write a fic around that idea. Those two just need more family fic IMHO. ^__^
And thank you. I don't think I ever did post that sketch, meant to do more with it, but Toro's face was always borderline creepr to me, which is why I think I stopped it LOL
Comments 4
And I love that sketch at the end. Ann is so pretty!
Hee I need to write a fic around that idea. Those two just need more family fic IMHO. ^__^
And thank you. I don't think I ever did post that sketch, meant to do more with it, but Toro's face was always borderline creepr to me, which is why I think I stopped it LOL
I think it's hard not to have this group be adorable. ^__^
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