Title: Passing On Rating G Characters Jim Hammond (Torch I), and Namor Word Count 1,171 Summery Torch entrusts Namor with Toro Notes ( Spoilers for Torch # 5 )
Definately canon. I'll admit it's my personal view that Namor takes resonsibility for the kids after Cap and Jim are gone, and I can see him resurecting the role.
I like Namor and Jim interacting. They have soooooooo much history between them and they're so funny together in an odd couple kinda way.
I think Namor would look after everyone in his own way. I can see him being totally at odds with Rogers V-Battelion when Roger first brings it up. And then of course, not so much =P
Comments 4
I'll admit it's my personal view that Namor takes resonsibility for the kids after Cap and Jim are gone, and I can see him resurecting the role.
I think Namor would look after everyone in his own way. I can see him being totally at odds with Rogers V-Battelion when Roger first brings it up. And then of course, not so much =P
I think D'AW works because it's Jim an Toro and prickly Namor
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