I think everyone know this type of challenge, but here is a quick reminder. Your task in the next two weeks is to create an icon chain - Starting from the first icon they all have to include an element featured in the previous one. It can be the same fandom/character, the color(s), the emotion, a technical element (text, negative space, blocking, etc.) Please label which thing you're passing on for each icon in your entry.
Minimal icons in this challenge is 3 (a really little chain). This way you can create 4 smaller chains, or you can create one big chain with 12 icons! Also this time you can't use the same cap/photo/image as the element of the chain. I hope the exampes below will explain it better, also if you have any questions just ask :)
Black & White → B&W + Red → Red + Circle → Circle + Trish → Trish
tinebrella || naive_astronaut || loka_bones || burntheflaws || bronze
2 Colors → 2 Colors + Text → Text + 2 People → 2 People + Scenery → Scenery
deternot || likealight || longerthanwedo ||| odd_one_around || asitlays
X - Icons should be made for this challenge, and cannot be submitted for points elsewhere
X - Icons should be 100x100 pixels, 40kb or less
X - Icons should follow the theme of the challenge - I reserve the right to refuse you points if you do not follow the theme
X - Icons are worth 5 points & you can earn up to 60 points (12 icons).
X - Feel free to submit in the comments or link to a post elsewhere (such as at
X - Icons are due at midnight your time on December 7.