Challenge #04: [series challenge] Rumble Round 2

Oct 17, 2016 19:56

Round 2 Challenge
Theme: Variations - you must do one of the following. (1) take one cap and make two different icons from it OR (2) make one icon, then choose a screencap from a different movie/show, episode, or scene and try to make it as similar to the first icon as possible.
Special category: best interpretation - users will vote on the sets they feel best meet each option

sgflutegirl, littlemissnovel, jellybeansraw, burntheflaws, erinm_4600, novindalf, holtzmann, tinnny, luminousdaze, jadeleopard, ciuciuvaraworld, applepips16, malicat, emmatheslayer, breaded_fish, ghanimasun, ama_ranth_827, marishna, kungfuwaynewho, your icons will be due in 1 week.

To submit your icons, please use the following form:

screencap link:

X - Icons should meet LJ standards: 100x100px, 40kb or less; animation is ok
X - Do NOT share your icons before results have been posted. Comments are screened & voting will be anonymous
X - Your submitted icons are worth 10 points each. 2 icons only.
X - There will be further points for winners!
X - Submit your icons to this post as detailed above.
X - Icons due October 24th, midnight EST (countdown)

-round three, series challenge, -challenge

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