About & Rules

Mar 05, 2016 15:36


theiconthrone is an icon-only "land" comm affiliated with gameofcards you do not need to be a member there, nor do members there need to be members here. The title and set up is losely based on what is happening there, and to help increase participation battles & shops can be done in the same comms. We have some things in common with theiconquest.

theiconthrone is made up of three components; entering icons to various challenges, participating in the "throne" challenge each week, and external icons. For each different thing you do you will earn points. In general each icon is worth 5 points. There will be extra points for winning icons in the Throne challenges.

General Challenges each couple of weeks a new challenge will be posted of which you can submit up to 20 icons. These icons will be created based on the theme, inspiration or ideas of each general challenge. There will be no voting on these challenges, you will be able to earn up to 100 points for these.

Throne Challenges each week there will be a throne challenge. You will create one icon based on the theme and submit in a screened post. People will vote for the best icon that week. Extra points will be given for winning & the icon crown will be given to the overall winner. Collect points and crowns for various rewards :)

External icons You can earn even more points by participating in battles, shops, requests and other icon communities.
--- Battles can be coordinated and posted at cardwars and you can also post battles that you have arranged with your friends or houses.
--- Requests can be made in the monthly request post, or at buy_cards creating a request icon earns you +1 point
--- Other icontests, 20in20s, or lims challenges can also gain you points. There will be monthly posts for earning up to 100 points by being active in the icon world.

Other ways to earn points There will also be other chances to earn points via discussion, praise and social posts.


You can also join one of the houses; House Bright or House Night. These will be your social hub and your points will be allocated to your house. While your House does earn points, This is more an individual comm so it can be as social as you like.


- Be nice to people
- Don't reveal your "throne" icons to anyone during voting periods
- have fun!


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