Challenge #11 Theme Challenge [ chosen ones ]

Apr 30, 2016 19:10

Theme Challenge Theme challenges are an open challenge where you can create any type of icons you like; fandom, stock, celeb, etc. The rules are as follows:

X - Icons should be made for this challenge, in the time period of the challenge
X - Icons can't be submitted for throne challenges, battles or other points-challenges (eg. requests for points or other land comms)
X - Icons should be 100x100 pixels, 40kb or less
X - Icons should follow the theme of the challenge - anything deemed completely void of any aspects of the theme will be discounted
X - Icons are worth 5 points & you can earn up to 60 points (aka 12 icons). Feel free to submit 1 icon or up to all 12
X - Feel free to submit in the comments or post else where & link (post at neutral_court if you like
X - Icons for this theme are due May 14th at midnight (your time)

This weeks challenge is the screencaps and images you picked here at this post you can view them there or under the cut as well. THIS POST IS SUPER IMAGE HEAVY!!!


I'm so sorry if i've missed one of the images, but even if it's not in this post, but on the other it can be used.


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