Aug 20, 2012 18:47

The only constant in life is change, it's been said. Even more true in a path of adventure. This time your icons must show how you, or your work, or your loved characters, have changed. For this challenge, choose a class and make the minimum amount of icons based on the provided requirements, all of which are based off the theme of Before and After.

Make sets with two icons from the same character/subject, one themed "before" and another "after". Before/after what is up to you [ ? ]

Same as above, but instead of making two different icons you'll need to include before/after in the same icon.

This challenge will reflect before/after as well, but in yourself. Make sets with two icons, one with something you used to like or do, other with something you like or do now. The before/after can be in subject aspects (characters, shows, movies, etc) or technical aspects (iconning trends, coloring, fonts, styles, etc)

Make an icon of your choice, save it, step away from it for a couple of days. Then make another, different icon from the same screencap. Submit both (or all of them, if you make more than one). Of course we have no way to know if you'll actually take a break between both icons, but the gist is to have at least two different outcomes from the same cap/image. Due to the time-sensitive requirement, Bard submissions will only be accepted after the 22nd (EST)
The variations rule still applies. Text/textless variations or only slightly different colorings/croppings won't be accepted. Your icons need to be substantially different!

» MIN: 6 icons → 12 pts
» MAX: 26 icons → 52 pts

» This challenge DOES NOT close.
» You can complete this challenge up to 5 times for points.
» You can submit icons for different challenges in the same enttry (but not the same icon!)
» Icons must fit both challenge AND class requirements (i.e. Wizard icons must be both complex and contain before/after; Bard pairs must use the same screencap and have text)
» Reply to this post with your results or linking to a post containing them.
» Fill out the form to allot your points properly. (Ex1, Ex2)
Please fill out entirely.
Challenge: Hero (and/or) Wizard (and/or) Bard (and/or) Rogue
Classes fulfilled?: (list # of icons)
[#] Hero (Power)
[#] Wizard (Magic)
[#] Bard (Charm)
[#] Rogue (Agility)
Total points earned? (list points distribution)
** Example: 4pts Power + 2pts Wizard + 4pts Bard + 5pts Bonus = 15 pts (delete this!)**

ICONS: (delete areas regarding classes you didn't fill)




Link (To a post with the icons, if you have one. If you only link to the post, note that classes to which the icons belong must be clear. Above form must still be filled out.)

* It is a fantasy themed quest, but you are not restricted to only fantasy themed shows, movies, etc.

chapter: three, main quest, ~challenge, first chronicle

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