May 31, 2012 01:08

Frequently Asked Questions

This FAQ is under construction. If you have any question, please do ask, and we'll see about including it here.

[Q: I want to participate, but why can't I join the community?]
Q: I want to participate, but why can't I join the community?
A: It's members only, but we'll send you invites to the right communities once you sign-up.

[Q: Is this a land-community?]
Q: Is this a land-community?
A: Yes and no. It's up to you how you want to play. There's a landcomm aspect to it, if you enter a Guild and play together with other participants, but it's not obligatory. Points are earned individually, so you can go on your journey solo if you wish.

[Q: Is this an elite community?]
Q: Q: Is this an elite community?
A: Not at all. The signing up is for the management to know you're participating and maker your profile, put your name in the books, and distribute your points accordingly. There's no application post, anyone can participate.

[Q: There's so much going on! Do I need to enter every challenge?]
Q: There's so much going on! Do I need to enter every challenge?
A: Not at all. There's indeed a lot going on, but you can enter only the challenges that interest you. They don't close, and you can enter at any time.

[Q: Are animated/.gif icons allowed?]
Q: Q: Are animated/.gif icons allowed?
A: Sure, as long as they fit the challenge theme.

[Q: How do I fill the challenge form?]
Q: How do I fill the challenge form?
A: Challenges usually have different structures and require different answers, so please read the rules carefully when submitting your icons. For your convenience, there's a form you can fill with all the information you'll need to give in every challenge. However, here's a couple of the most common ones.

> In challenges where you can choose which attribute your points will go to, you must specify which icons belong to each attribute. You must tell which challenges you were trying to fulfill as well.

FILLED: Sidequest + Bonus Points (MAGIC)




> In other challenges, you must pick which way you want to complete it. Then you need to explicitly which one you chose. In those challenges, the points goes to the class you chose, so there's no need to break them into classes.



[Q: How do I choose in which class the points I earn will go?]
Q: How do I choose in which class the points I earn will go?"
A: When you submit your icons, you must inform the chosen class. Every challenge will have a textbox where you'll know all the information you must provide. You won't need to always fill out the entire form, but at least make sure you give us all the info we need to allot your points properly.

[Q: I'm not sure which class my icon fit.]
Q: I'm not sure which class my icon fit."
A: To learn more about classes, check the info/rules post, the classes examples, and if you're still not sure, consult the Fortune Teller

[Q: What are Choose Your Own Adventure challenges?]
Q: What are "Choose your own adventure" challenges?
A: They're challenges where you can pick in which attributes/classes your points will be alloted. Please note that you icons must follow the "style" of the class you want points in. If you chose Charm points in your form, your icons must contain some form of text or some other "Bard" aspect. Make sure to state it clearly in your answering comment.

[Q: Can I enter side quests without entering the main quest adjacent to it?]
Q: Can I enter side quests without entering the main quest adjacent to it?
A: Yes. All side quests will list below whether there are any pre requistes to completing that side quest. Unless other wise stated, you can choose what challenges you complete and which challenges/quests to pass on.

[Q: Can I enter a challenge more than one time?]
Q: Can I enter a challenge more than one time?
A: Yes. You can enter challenges as many times as you want, but you'll only get points for the 5 (five) participations that earn you most points.

[Q: I entered a challenge and completed it on 'Easy' mode. Can I go back and rework my submission to fit the 'Hard' challenge, and earn the points?]
Q: I entered a challenge and completed it on "Easy" mode. Can I go back and rework my submission to fit the "Hard" challenge, and earn the points?
A: At first, the second time you enter will only add to the points you earned before. In this case, you'll get points for Easy and for Hard. Once you complete a challenge five times, getting the respective points, you can go back and enter the more difficult versions, earning only the difference in the points. So if you enter "easy, hard, hard, hard, hard, hard", you'll get points for the five hard versions, and the points for easy will be dropped.
Take notice that, in this case, you're making an entire new submission for a different challenge, so you'll need to make a new comment and the previously submitted icons won't count.

[Q: I entered a challenge but didn't submit the maximum number of icons. Can I complete the set and get the full points?]
Q: I entered a challenge but didn't submit the maximum number of icons. Can I complete the set and get the full points?
A: The first five times you enter will count each as a new submission (be aware that each new submission must attend to the minimum amount of icons, or it won't be accepted). Only after that you can go back and complete your entries, by answering your own comment with the new icons. Please enter at least five icons every time you comment, unless you need less than that to reach the maximum number.

[Q: Can I use old icons in my submissions?]
Q: Can I use old icons in my submissions?
A: There's no way we can control if your icons are brand new or not, but we'd prefer that your icons were made specifically for the Icon Quest. However, they must be unreleased (not posted in your journal, graphics community, entered in a challenge community, tumblr or anywhere else.)

[Q: Do I have to watch/join every subcommunity?]
Q: Do I have to watch/join every subcommunity?
A: No. theiconquest is required, for obvious reasons. If you signed up to be in a guild, your guild community is also a given but you will only receive access to this community through invite. If you'll be interested in keeping up with any battles, or new shops that open, or the weekly digests/possible social posts then you're encouraged to watch iq_coliseum, iq_marketplace, and iq_thefair respectively. You may watch iq_thecastle if you're interested in seeing people's profiles as they sign up for the Quest but it isn't required/necessary. The only thing required to do within iq_thecastle is to track the comments for your personal player profile.

[Q: How do I change Guilds?]
Q: How do I change Guilds?
A: Once in a while, when the numbers aren't roughly even or a new Guild opens, there will be a post to switch those who want to change Guilds. When it happens, you can comment to the post and we'll try to put you into a new Guild, according to vacancies. You can't pick the Guild you'll go.
If you're impatient and want to change RIGHT NOW, you can switch places with someone on the Guild you want to go. Both parts must accept this.
You can also just leave your Guild, without entering a new one. However, if do leave the Guild system, you can't enter again until the next Guild switch post, or after 2 months, through the Sign-up post.
First time you change Guilds is for free. Second time will cost you 50 points, third time 100 points, and so on.

[Q: What are the red question marks I see around in quest posts?]
Q: What are the red question marks I see around in quest posts? [ ? ]
A: You can hover over any red question mark to view any additional information that could be helpful to you. Think of it as a tip tool.


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