i'm only bleeding, man

Oct 24, 2011 18:30

Rating: PG-13
Words: 912
Summary: Arthur and Eames are lieutenant and sergeant, respectively, of a platoon that's been attacked.
Warning: Character death.
Pairing: Arthur/Eames
Disclaimer:  Inspired by the Gaslight Anthem song We're Getting a Divorce, You Keep the Diner. Some lines of dialogue are lyrics.

**disclaimer: i know nothing about the military, ( Read more... )

war, inception, death fic, ficlet, arthur/eames

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Comments 12

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hungerpunch October 25 2011, 03:22:13 UTC
D: *cuddles your heart*

thanks! the stay hungry, stay free, and do the best you can part are lyrics from the song i cited, lol, so i can't take credit for them but i'm glad you could imagine arthur saying them.

thank you thank you darling! ♥


sarahyyy October 25 2011, 01:45:38 UTC
This is heart wrenching in all the best ways. ♥


hungerpunch October 25 2011, 03:21:12 UTC
d'aw *shuffles feet* thank you so much, bb ♥ ♥


krytella October 25 2011, 17:57:37 UTC
My heart ;________________;

Painful in all the right ways.


hungerpunch October 25 2011, 20:21:27 UTC
D: *wipes tears and cuddles your heart*

thank you thank you, though ♥


ladderax October 27 2011, 04:11:20 UTC
;_; Like everyone else, I was going to say "Oh, my heart".

I love the dialogue. How even in this terrible moment there's still so much chemistry and affection between them. I don't know the lyrics to the song, but I couldn't really identify which was which--which means you did a really excellent job of weaving them in here. And the descriptions of everything are so intense and well crafted. As always, you have such an inimitable style and a wonderful way with words.

“Sure you don’t want to stay?” he asks, quiet in comparison to the surrounding commotion but he’s certain that Arthur can hear him. “You’re going to miss all the fun.” They both pretend to not hear the break in Eames’ voice.



hungerpunch October 27 2011, 17:20:54 UTC
*snuggle* i am sorry about your heart ; _ ; and your throat! augh!

i'm glad it's not super obvious what is lyric and what is, well, not lyric :D

i wish i could turn this comment into a blanket and wrap myself up in it. thank you so much, bb ♥ i think you've made me blush #horror


chaostheorem November 2 2011, 04:46:03 UTC
Oh my goodness ;__; This is just...guh! It's heartbreaking and devastating and gorgeous and powerful and sad and beautiful and all the things, and oh my god, you deserve such a better comment than this nonsensical rambling but this fic has ruined me in the best way possible. So good!


hungerpunch November 2 2011, 05:40:32 UTC
oh my goodness *flaps hands frantically* no way, no way. you are way too nice omg. i can't believe you read thissss *gurgles and dies* not that that's a bad thing, i'm just kind of having a moment here. I DIDN'T MEAN TO RUIN YOU ; ;


hungerpunch November 2 2011, 05:40:47 UTC
also thank you thank you ♥


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