Video -- Now I want a mew plush to call Riza.

Jun 27, 2011 03:11

Meeew! Meeew..? [While the SFC tumbles in the air, there's a glance of a mew that's lookes thoughly unimpressed and very much linefacing. The living room looks a bit out of place - Riza's been learning to float in one place for the last hour. Flying still means crachin into things and still very much in that Do Not Want and too weird for words ( Read more... )

oh god the tat is showing, tattoo showing, not cute!, mini heart attack, vatheon made me a pokemon, !event tiemz, !video, riza is a mew

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Comments 34

shadow_ball June 26 2011, 17:39:56 UTC
[A white haired man stares into the camera, thoroughly unimpressed by what he's seeing. This must be the result of a change like him - but still...]

Calm down, or you are going to injure yourself.


/saves that image 8D thehawks_eye June 26 2011, 17:51:11 UTC
Mew? [Blink blink and a head tilt. She hasn't figured out how to 'speak' telepathically yet.]


It's hot, yes. shadow_ball June 26 2011, 17:53:57 UTC
You should be able to speak telepathically. And stop flailing about and merely concentrate on floating in place, or you are going to injure yourself.


It is! thehawks_eye June 26 2011, 18:09:13 UTC
[A head tilt then a nod as Riza focuses on staying in one place, for now.]

I don't even know how to talk telepathically. This body's wrong, and the fact that it's showing.... [She just facepaws and sighs, not even realising that she's broadcasting her thoughts outright to him right now.]


[Video] replicatedaster June 26 2011, 23:02:00 UTC

Is it a Pokemon? Kind of looks like one, but she can't be sure. How'd it get an SFC, though?]

Hello? Are you, um, okay? [She's not sure if the Pokemon can understand her or not, but it seems that it's panicking, and that's definitely not good.]


Re: [Video] thehawks_eye June 27 2011, 02:22:08 UTC
Yes. No. This form is strange. [The 'words' come out in a rush, Riza still not that good at this whole telepathic thing. And far too inexperienced to keep her thoughts to herself, sadly.] This is strange - awkward, my tattoo... Does she know? Damn it Vatheon...


[Video] replicatedaster June 27 2011, 20:29:56 UTC
D-do you need anything? [Xion's kind of worried about her, and she's not sure what she's talking about.]


Re: [Video] thehawks_eye June 28 2011, 02:59:34 UTC
No. I should be fine. Though thank you for the offer. If I find that I do need something, I'll be sure to let you know. miss.


wayward_faith June 27 2011, 05:39:17 UTC
Wait, that room...

[Congrats, Riza. You have a pony on the screen.]



thehawks_eye June 27 2011, 06:52:36 UTC

I seem to be a pokemon. It's rather a strange feelings, flying, I'm not sure how Ha -- [Before she can do any more telepathic-diarrhoea, Riza clamps down on her thoughts with a cross eyed look. Flying and telepathic speaking. So not her strong points at all it's getting to be more than embarrassing.]

Sorry. This is more than embarrassing..


wayward_faith June 27 2011, 12:56:27 UTC
Don't sweat it. Hey, at least you don't have hooves!


thehawks_eye June 28 2011, 03:00:56 UTC
True enough. That would be preferable to flying, I'd think.

It's harder than it looks, and I tend to.... crash.


action; a.k.a I could have sworn I tagged this a long time ago, whoops. D8 strawhathealer July 9 2011, 00:16:39 UTC
[ Unaffected by the curse and prone to deep sleep, Yellow doesn't notice the noise at all until she wakes up and hears something peculiar. Quickly, she gets up and enters the living room, still rubbing at her eyes with a hand. ]

Ms. Riza? Did something happened...?


<3 IT'S OK. Also, Yellow is on AC :( thehawks_eye July 10 2011, 11:56:20 UTC

[Hope you don't mind 'random Mews' Yellow.]


Thanks! And she's fine, don't worry. XD strawhathealer July 11 2011, 04:11:26 UTC

[ Yellow blinks and rubs at her eyes more. ]

A Pokémon? What are you doing here?


^__^ Sweet! thehawks_eye July 12 2011, 07:40:17 UTC
Meee.ew. MEW!

[Riza shakes her head. NOT A MEW. :| And yes, that is a very Riza Line face there. ]


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