10 year anniversary

Jan 13, 2007 22:00

Every year on Epiphany, our church passes out chalk that has been blessed and little prayer cards so we can bless our houses. We say the prayer and then draw the "chi rho" (letter P on top of the letter X) surrounded by the year--2007. The first time I did that was 1997--the mark is still on my door. When I saw that today, I realized that it was ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

sharinlilbit January 14 2007, 04:09:12 UTC
Good gracious, M!! How frightening -- I got the heebie jeebies just from reading your story. That very thing -- an intruder in my house while I'm here -- is one of my biggest fears.

I'm glad you were able to chase him off and didn't lose more than you did!


marakara January 14 2007, 05:08:20 UTC
Terrifying story - there is something even more awful about that man being in your home. While I know people tell you as long as you're not hurt it is all OK but you lost some sense of security, the rosary beads, all the time and effort dealing with banks, credit card companies and police/government officials. Terrible.

Now, I ask you, why the hell did they feel my age was pertinant to the matter?

I think it kinda makes you seem even more kick-ass than just "Woman chases burglar from Peaceful Avenue home." Criminals, fear our 40-something women of Peaceful Avenue.

Take Care
Mara - who is 43.


lilydale January 14 2007, 13:32:16 UTC
That's an incredible story - kind of scary (obviously) but also kind of empowering (with the chasing and all). It's amazing the details and clarity of events that can remain after a decade.


comice January 14 2007, 16:21:25 UTC
What a story! I particularly enjoy the fact that you live on Peaceful Avenue.You know, I'm no longer surprised by the things that people do when they're adrenalized -- woman lifts car off husband, that man jumping onto the subway tracks and saving that young man recently. People are amazing, and mostly good, thank goodness.

Also, I love that notion of chalking one's doors for Epiphany. I'd never heard of it. It's just too bad that our festival of lights doesn't last longer. I'm all undecorated now and I'm with you -- it's depressing.

Give Kyle some smooches from me!


thehappygirl53 January 14 2007, 17:31:24 UTC
My manager at the time took me to task for putting my life in danger. I tried to explain to him that it wasn't a choice--I didn't think and decide "I'm going to chase that guy!" It was a gut reaction and you can't control those. No one knows what they'll do when confronted with something like that--you can't assume you'll cry or pee your pants or chase after the man. You do what you do when the moment happens. That said, I'm awfully glad I was a "chase the guy out of the house" person rather than a "pee on the kitchen floor" person.


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