Novaris 2.3

Nov 26, 2011 22:04

Gen 1 Spouse: Evangeline by kkkayleighh
Gen 2 Spouse: Aspen by slyndsey
Apple's Baby Daddies: Jomi by lastj, Hagley by teckno102
Other sim appearances by: slyndsey, lastj, brilliantcat, ayachan072, charterzard,

Missed an Update?

Approximately 100 more pics under the cut.

Last time, Apple finally got that job in the Journalism career, kids got older, Pear reached the head of Business career, kids got even older. Aspen had a breakdown because I neglected his wants and then later got that god in the criminal career so he could be the crime boss he always wanted to be. Also, I called Manhattan Memphis like, every time. You know what's wrong with Manhattan? There's no good way to shorten it. Man, Hat, Tan? IDK Anyway, hopefully I don't do it again here. I'm making no promises!

Since the boys aged up all they do besides school is smustle.

Smustle line!

Except for Apple who's finally working on the Gen 2.5 goal! (please bring home a coworker!)

Pear: I fear I'm a terrible mother!
If you spent less time smustling and more time with the twins they wouldn't fall asleep on the floor in front of the stairs trying to get to you.

Mmm career rewards.

Aspen: Hey, Honey, will you help me practice for work this evening? The cops said they have a few questions to ask me about some goings on last night.

Manahttan: What is that smell? Is it me?

Manahttan: Eww, it is me. That's disgusting!

Never played with this before...

I didn't get a shot when he got shocked darn it.

Wonder twins Activate!

Dallas - Lovely, looks a lot like her dad.

Lex - Equally Lovely! More Pear in her structure wise. I love her!

I love you too Manahttan!

Tennis talk makes Apple Angry! (You won't like her when she's angry)

Piano is serious business people!

Hey look is Mr. Derp, Headmaster of We'll Always Be Better Than You Preparatory School.
They got it, even with burnt catfish.

Aspen: Baby that idea is music to my ears!

Even though I have more that enough kids and way more than I had planed to have this gen I kind of wish they'd oops me just because it's never happened to me before... I will probably regret saying that one day, and now you will be able to point it out to me!

Kissing cousins.

Jersey and Lexington: That was gross, let's just hug next time.

:) More photos for the wall. Man, I just realized that recoloring is going to be easier now that I have more ram! Yay, ram. (also, no lag at all even though there are nine sims and a butler! Woot!)

Manahttan finds Dallas Hi-Larious. (I will say it like that forever.)

Too cute to pass up.

So we're making some money, which is good for next gen who will be spending it.

CHECK! And Pear wanted MOAR money and the best way to do that is promotions so since Gamer still come up I put her in Journalism with Apple. Along with a few others.

Baltimore: Thanks for coming over. Just ignore my family. They're a little crazy.


Man, is there any Apple in there anywhere?

Family... I wasn't expecting that.

Pear: *Pops out unexpectedly* Hi! Everybody!

Get that body score or you'll never out run the cops!

Houston brought Sage by slyndsey home from school. (Who is technically his uncle.)

Sage wasn't really interested in Houston though just the stereo.

So he decided to borrow his aunt's helicopter and hit the town.

He's about as good at making friend's as his mother.

The gold course doesn't go so well. When he asks them to hang out they all stay far away from him.

Meanwhile back at home two sets of bad ass smustling twins.

Honetly, I love when they run to hug their parents.

Obligatory homework party.

I gave Pear a midlife make over and forgot to take a proper pic. She decided her new look needed a slimmer body I guess. I haven't seen her on this thing in a long time.

Apple got one too. She's a little less wild child now that she's a media magnet with three boys.

Max enthusiasm in film and literature? Accomplished!

Apparently Pear's telescope is a really good one. She was spying on Nusania all the way in University.
Maybe she should come visit more often and save her sis the trouble!

The argument had Lex running to her room. I haven't had this before.

A little ballet cheers her right up.

Even in the snow we're smustlin', smustlin' *sings*

She's raking it in!

Lex: Hey Dal, look up sumo wrestlers.

Since Houston couldn't find a teen he liked and this adult seemed interested I just let him date her. Then I proceeded to forget her name. (Kids keep stealing my pens. Everytime I got to write a name down the pen is gone!)

Anyway, here's his first kiss.

Look at him! So Apple in personality that's for sure. Houston, the dance contest was your idea!

I thought Aunt Plum might give him a challenge but he won.

Then Professor Pinky Pants started making out with his date and he had no reaction.

Then Professor Pinky and the Dance Guy started really hitting it off.
There was also a moment when the professor was admiring and heart farting over Hudson and for a moment I thought the whole this was going to turn into a crazy four way. No such luck.

Later I took them to HOOPLA from rikkulidea. They are only on and "outting" at this point and they headed straight to the booth, no prompts from me.

Afterward he heads to the mirror to see if he looks any different now that he's a "man."

He just got back from your date 5 seconds ago. Eager much?

Oh! It's Manahttan's Birthday! Poor girl has never had a cake.

Pleasure sim. She likes mechanically inclined blondes who don't wear cologne.

Change her nose a little, giver her a mole and she's a yellowish Marilyn Monroe... with er alien eyes...

Oi, Aspen is taking forever with this criminal career.

Houson's secondary is Romance... I think he's a little conflicted over his Mother's life choices.


Dallas: Thanks Santa, we totally needed another stereo! *best friends*
Sure, Dal, we only have three already...

Look, it's Ois. Ois is very popular with other legacies. In mine he's a GC sim so he doesn't get the ladies quite as much. :p
Manahttan's chin is shown at it's least flattering here. maranatah

Lola: Wait, did you just call me an elephant? charterzard

Manahttan is not interested in any of the folks this place has to offer.

Maybe she has a point. Topaz ayachan072

HaHA! Gotcha

Despite the elephant debacle, it looks like Hou has finally found a girl his own age.

All the kids wanted a puppy, so I went to a lot of pains to put some alien-y pups into the adoption pool and then let them have one!

Welcome Bono. First pet I've had in my game.

He doesn't lack for attention.

This lot is called Aqua park and I don't know who made it. But it's pretty to take pictures in.

This is Ramen by brillinatcat

Uh-oh, it looks like Robert kkkayleighh suddenly wants to act like a dad.

But, he just wanted to give her a hug.

Again, after the date ended they were off to woo hoo.

Fawn by lastj really wanted to watch, they shooed her about three times and she kept getting back in. Nekkid.

Secondary - wealth. Another taking after mom.

This is Jomi lastj, Hou's dad, Apple's lover, calling to ask Manahttan out on a date! Are you kidding me Jomi!? NO!

Birthday tiemz


Another pleasure sim! And Baltimore rolled GC, I gave him Popularity to tide him over. But when his secondary rolled pop I just gave him GC as a second and decided to keep it.

Haha, awesome.

I didn't get any proper pics! :( I'm loving Balt, seriously.

So, I decided to try out my homemade vacation locals and give the girls a head start on their vacations.

That dog is Coupley and she's actually Bono's mom. I made her a stray after I gever her babies up for adoption... I'm so mean! Now, I have more than one stray to dig up the yards. Yay.

Here's the little vacation cabin I made them.

And this was the first thing they wanted to do.

Meanwhile the girls played innocently together outside. Until...

Are you kidding me?! Let this be a lesson to you girls. It only takes one woo hoo to make a baby. Urgh, it's not that terrible, being my first "real" teen preg as well as first accidental pregnancy since I checked and she did not tfb, but man! While we're on vacation! Oi!

Looks like the next update should be fun!

And that's way too many exclamation points. lol

Poll What's Up!

Status: Aside from Apple getting married we have completed all required goals. If she doesn't bring someone home to marry soon I'm throwing optional out the window and she's gonna marry whoever she has highest relationship with.

Generation 2 Goals:
reach top of business career
max charisma skill
get married
have at least 1 kid
optional: make over $50,000
optional: marry a co-worker

Generation 2.5 Goals:
reach top of journalism career
max creativity skill
get married
have at least 1 kid
optional: marry a co-worker
optional: max enthusiasm in film & literature

pixeltrade, sims 2, legacy:novaris

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