Apr 18, 2007 20:12


Well, here you go.

NAME: alias or real, doesn't matter. nothing fucking retarded, though.
AGE: more or less for statistics sake. also to gauge how many under-age shitheads there are.
EXPERIENCE: how many Megaman series games have you played? Don't worry; it's not necessary to have played any to be a part of MECHADEUS, but having played some of the games will help you better understand some of the setting and technicalities.
AIM/MSN/Y-M/E-MAIL: you do not need to provide all your messenger handles, just ones you are most likely to be on ( as in, if you use yahoo more, provide that ). E-mail is necessary.
AVAILABILITY: just so we know how many posts/threads/replies/whatever we can expect from you. keep in mind that we encourage and expect at least one journal post for every two weeks. If you feel you cannot meet this criteria, then speak to a mod about if whether or not you are qualified to actively participate. some exceptions can be made, but we are also not push-overs. keep this in mind and present a valid reason when discussing.

CHARACTER: their canon name.
CHARACTER NAME IN RPG: if you wish to modify their name or title to fit the RPG, list it here.
SERIES: the original series they are from.
GENDER: whatever the character considers themselves. lols
AGE: of course, this could become confusing if you are playing a character who does not physically age ( reploid, for example ), but all beings have a "birth date," and this is the date of activation. For example, a character could be mentally 15, but was activated 20 years ago, making his age 20. Make it whatever you see fit.
MENTAL AGE: to go along with the above, this is the age your character acts. this section is not necessary for humans or cyborgs, who age normally.
RACE: one of the more important aspects of the game! tell us which of the races you have decided to modify your character to here. there are no limits to who you want to modify to what, but decide wisely! while there is the possibility to modify the race you choose, it is not something that is encouraged in-game, due to possible complications and the chance that you cannot revert back. an example of this is a human wanting to modify himself to a cyborg. this is a choice that cannot be reversed.
LOCATION: which sector you would like your character to be from. This mostly optional; your character can be from a city outside of Jakob all-together, due to the Barrier's malfunctioning. This will just give us an idea of which characters are staying where!
APPEARANCE: be as long-winded as possible. we love details on just about everything from outer-appearance to their inner workings ( if they are robotic in any way ). you don't have to go into descriptive detail about mundane things, however, like how they blink or whatever, but we would love to know just how you've modified your character of choice to fit into MECHADEUS' universe.
PERSONALITY: like above, be as long-winded as possible. however, for this section, we're being a bit more strict on because it directly ties into how well you know the character. being AU, it's easy enough to modify a character's appearance, but we are strongly against modifying their personality. if you have a question about how certain developments might affect a character's view on something, please contact a mod.
ABILITIES: this includes built-in weapons, abilities and programs. this part will be one of the most heavily-scrutinized section of the application. given that the setting is futuristic and encourages robotic characters, it's very easy to go over-board with abilities. nothing that will suggest god-modding or other such faggotry. nothing that can "break The Barrier," for example. however, this does not mean your character cannot be "strong." if you are unsure, please contact a mod.
WEAKNESSES: again, this section will be heavily-scrutinized. the character needs weaknesses, physical and/or mental. they can be a mixture of both, or personality-weaknesses, as well.
WEAPONS: any external/removable peripherals and/or vehicles your character may have. guns, knives, mecha, cars and anything else that can be used in a fight must be listed here.
ALLIANCE: the side your character is on for the war. Choose wisely, as some sides are not accepting of "switch-overs," if your character changes their mind mid-game.
OCCUPATION: if you wish for your character to be a Hunter or on the Police Force, please say so here.
HISTORY: in an AU RPG, history will almost always have to be modified heavily. have fun, be creative; if you feel something is questionable as far as "stepping out of line," please contact a mod.
INFECTION?: Tell us if you would object to your character being virally-infected.
SAMPLE LJ ENTRY: First person sample. Write it as if they were making a journal entry.
SAMPLE RP POST: Third person sample.

After you are finished, please e-mail your finished app to MECHADEUSMODS at gmail dot com~ THANKS~
