A Beautiful Friend to Be?

Jul 27, 2007 02:23

Look at this woman:

This is who I was speaking to on the tube today. She's a model, and I felt so ridiculously lucky to be talking to her, and seemingly getting along with her. I was just telling her how beautiful I found her, and why. ^_^ And she was telling me about being half asian, half brazilian, how she'd just had her haircut, asking me if I was an artist....I just jumped up and down like a little school kid, saying I felt just so excited to be talking and getting along with someone so beautiful. =) Awww...bless. But she was so nice. ^_^ I didn't really do her aesthetic justice...I complemented her smooth complextion, protruding wrist bones (didn't get to see her ankle bones unfortunately =P), the length of her toes, her slender figure, her small breasts, I also told her how I liked the way her belt tilted at an angle, but the small folds in the material of her top that followed the direction of her belt, actually complemented the sexy contours of her figure. ^_^ And I told her how cute it looked when she rested one leg on her suitcase. ^_^ Heehee... Oh, oh, and I told her about her teeth, they looked so perfect and pristine, but there was one sharp one with more personality, three teeth round from the front, and..oh...what was the other thing..yeah, earlier she had been checking her hair in the window reflection, and I told her when she did that she was mad: Don't worry about what you look like! You're STUNNING! ^_^ And as she bent to get her suitcase when leaving, her top fell forwards, and you could see down it, and I was like...eek(!), I just saw down your top..and implied she was too stunning and overwhelming me, and I touched her shoulder as she left the train. ^_^

She just made me so happy and flirty with everyone else I met afterwards. =) Ha. (One example is when at Paddington, I saw a cute girl in the line for Burger King, as I was running to my train, so I tapped her on the shoulder whilst running past her, and turned and said: "You're Cute. I'm catching a train" as I continued to run off...heehee...the look on her face. ^_^)
Back to the girl on the tube...
Just filled me with energy. Really fortunate to meet her.
I asked if we could stay in touch, and managed to give her my business card.
I meant to get her email too, but we carried on talking, and I forgot. =P But I think it might be better this way, as it'll be up to her whether she emails or not - the ball's in her park.
If I really need to contact her though, I can just go through her modelling agency, which she told me about, so it's no prob.

But, I just felt priveledged to meet her.

There's something very humane, when someone that incredibly gorgeous is perfectly happy to chat to a friendly stranger on the tube.

I look forwards to becoming her friend. =)

fashion, aesthetics

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