the friday five for 21 september 2007

Sep 21, 2007 05:01

Today's questions have been graciously brought to you courtesy of makaidiver, yourmyfavcolor, & blueyoshi22

Randomly Friday Five
  1. Did you write a list to Santa when you were little? Do you write a Christmas present wish list now?
  2. What are the top 10 things on your list this year?
  3. What are the three (or 1, 2, 4, 5) best presents you ever received as a child and why?
  4. What are the top 5 movies you think everyone should see and why?
  5. Which comes first, success or happiness? Or, to think of it a different way, does happiness follow success or are you only successful when you acheive happiness? Are they even necessarily related?

Copy and paste to your own journal, then reply to this post with a link to your answers.

If you'd like to suggest questions for a future Friday Five, then do so here:

Old sets that were used have been deleted, so please feel free to suggest some more!
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