[Poll] The not-secret not-meme

Sep 18, 2008 22:21

So, there was this secret questions meme going around. And of course I was curious - I am, after all, made mostly of curiosity (actual formula: 70% curiosity, 22% sarcasm, 8% cheese) - but you had to agree to post the meme to get the questions. And I don't do memes here.

And then a certain person rended the veil of secrecy. I won't name her. (Okay, I will. It was toft_froggy. All hail her!) And. Well. I was kind of disappointed. I expected AWESOME questions. I expected questions WORTH keeping a secret. ("Who is fixing the current presidential election?" for example.) Instead, they were - well. I didn't think they were optimized for fannish use, let's put it that way.

So obviously I had no choice; I wrote my own version of the meme (with extensive help from best_beloved, as I was actually nursing the earthling while I did this). But I still don't post memes here. Instead, I am posting a poll! Please answer with names selected from your friends list. And please do answer. Unlike the original meme, these are things I seriously want to know.

Poll Not a meme!


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