
May 31, 2010 21:21

Participation has been low as of late, both in entries and in voting. I'll admit I've had trouble keeping the excitement up and am considering making some changes, possibly closing the community even. SO if you have ever participated or ever considered participating/applying, please fill out the poll below the cut!

I'd love some feedback )

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Comments 17

anno_superstar June 1 2010, 06:08:20 UTC
If you do open up for cancelled shows, you should change the name of the comm, cause it was created just for the reason of just have if for currently airing shows that didn't get enough love. Then again, what with most comms dying maybe it should be just a general TV comm, but I think it's better to change the name or do a new comm in that case.


iulieki June 1 2010, 07:07:54 UTC
I know there's already another elite tv challenge comm out there somewhere, so I'm kind of reluctant to open a new one and start from scratch to compete in an already dwindling market.

The name could still apply, I guess. Just...expanding it to include shows that may have bombed their focus groups and gotten the axe lol ;D

Nobody seems to want to icon any more. I definitely plan to put the comm on break for a couple weeks.....but then the question we still want to bring it back? :\

2 week challenges? Blargh


anno_superstar June 1 2010, 07:25:33 UTC
Yeah but then you're changing the very idea of the comm. IDK, whatever. Your comm now, sorry. ;)

Yeah, RL is a hard bitch to compete against and I think the time of icons as it was is pretty much over and done with, sadly. TBH, I think it's time to kick it. There's only so long you can stall with theats, begs and treats.


iulieki June 1 2010, 07:47:25 UTC
Yea, it really shouldn't be like pulling teeth just to get a decent voting. I reaally hate to close it but maybe it's just time. Even if people are still on LJ and making icons, they're doing other challenges and things.


merlinburgh June 1 2010, 07:13:43 UTC
I'm saying Yes to opening it to cancelled shows simply b/c offthebox appears to be dead.

Apart from Land Comms, I've been participating less b/c of 20in20s..



iulieki June 1 2010, 07:23:01 UTC
Yea, it died like 10 horrible deaths! So sad... :(

Drat those 20in20s!


xmaidelx June 4 2010, 03:01:42 UTC
I agree with all of this.


misstress_tink June 1 2010, 10:37:32 UTC
i wouldn't take it personally, lj seems to be really dead at the mo and even icon_crack isn't getting as many entries as usual. If you're still enjoying it then keep at it, things will turn around. Most of my comms are in the same situation too but I think it's worth it, i enjoy the challenges you post here. Hopefully things will get busier. Maybe try and recruit some new members?


iulieki June 2 2010, 00:44:35 UTC
Nah, I know participation is super low now (Where all all the icon..testants?!) . I know people are flocking towards challenges with different schemes like 20in20s and was wondering if a revamp of everything would interest anyone at all. If we do return I'm going to do some MASSIVE work before, lots of promoting and brainstorming!


misstress_tink June 2 2010, 15:30:04 UTC
well i hope you don't close cuz i love it here! :) I'm happy to pimp you guys at icon_crack and my other comms if that'll help? x


iulieki June 2 2010, 22:03:37 UTC
That would be fantastic, thank you! If I decide to keep it open, I'll definitely take you up on that offer! :D


geckoholic June 1 2010, 10:45:17 UTC
I didn't answer the first two questions, because I'm not a member. Also, BRB applying. ;)


hsapiens June 8 2010, 05:58:18 UTC
Those 20in20s are definitely all the rage, aren't they? I'm sorry that I haven't participated more. I was sidetracked by getting together the next round at sg1_lims. I haven't been checking my Challenge filter lately. :( I do think that participation goes down in the summer, when a lot of people are away from school.

I love this group and I'd hate to see it die. I'm especially happy to be here because I feel out-classed by the other contestants; that gives me an extra push to be more experimental. I like and need that. If it needs to be opened in order to survive, I suppose you must do what's necessary to survive but I'll be sorry for it. I want to compete against better icon makers because it's boring to win in contests against beginners.

I know that SG-1 is well outside this group's mandate but I'd be happy to promote at sg1_lims, too. :)

p.s. Actually, I don't care if you expand to include canceled shows. That's the bulk of the shows that I watch but I kind of like being forced to icon shows I don't normally try my hand at.


iulieki June 9 2010, 06:26:01 UTC
Nah, don't feel bad for having a life. The community shouldn't be dying just because 1 or 2 people have other stuff to's that EVERYONE has other stuff to do.

The majority seem to want to keep it at this skill level, so I probably won't open it up to everyone. That being said, I don't know if the members of sg1_lims would be into an elite comm where they might potentially get rejected. :\ If you still want to promote there, that'd be great! I'll take whatever I can get lol.


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