It’s World Vegan Day!

Nov 01, 2011 09:54

Woot! Eat vegan today and see how easy and awesome it is! :) Check out more information about veganism here at Vegan Society.

Some recs!

Book recommendation: Eating Animals, by Jonathan Safran Foer. The author’s journey to vegetarianism after becoming a father. Witty, compassionate and so very honest.

Movie recommendation: Earthlings, ( Read more... )

books, veganism, movies, rec

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Comments 12

moerlin November 1 2011, 19:03:02 UTC
I totally ate all vegan today. :D

And I have seen that movie, too!

(But I'm sad because I don't know the fic you're looking for. A couple others with Reid volunteering sprang to mind though, hmm.)


thefigtree November 1 2011, 19:19:38 UTC
Yay for vegan eats!!! High five! What was your favorite thing you had today? I had apple muffins for breakfast (which I made over the weekend) and then I had some yummy black-eyed pea and quinoa croquettes with mushroom sauce for lunch.

No way! You rock my socks, friend. :)

You know, I'm pretty sure it's just vanished into the annals of time. I read it so long ago and already did a thorough search for it, so the LRO thing is just a last-ditch effort. The funny thing is that I can't even remember if it's any good, it's just bugging me not knowing what it is. ;) What other volunteer fics have you read?


moerlin November 1 2011, 20:18:23 UTC
Heh, well, considering I only really ate 1 1/2 times today, it's so hard to pick a favorite. :D I'll go with the potato-cauliflower-sauce combo. :D

I like movies like that. ;) Also really "enjoyed" Food, Inc.

Hmm, that might be it. There needs to be a searchable database that has all fics in txt form in it... would make it so much easier.
I was thinking Follow-Up (you know that one had to pop up), and dpracket's latest, Sleep with me. I'm sure there are more of those that aren't so recent...


thefigtree November 1 2011, 20:45:22 UTC
Good choice! I think we had that when I visited, yes? It was delicious! But, hey now. Why are you being bad and only eating one and a half times in a day? *scolds ( ... )


sleeper6 November 1 2011, 19:53:17 UTC
I admire you for your vegan lifestyle. :) BUT I don't think I could do it. :(


thefigtree November 1 2011, 20:22:39 UTC
Thanks! And hey, I believe you can do anything. :) Eating vegetarian or vegan is really not hard!


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