The douchemovers are back.

Sep 01, 2009 15:47

I first wrote about Greek two years ago, calling it "nice summer fluff". Little did I know that this would grow up to become one of my most favourite shows on current TV. Now Season Three just started and it's still one of television's best kept secrets. Why?

Is it because it's on ABC Family? That shouldn't really be a problem after breaking out of the family mold with shows like Kyle XY (still bitter) or The Middleman (watch it!), but ABC Family went even further with this show, giving us more sex and alcohol and gays and lesbians and innuendos than most network shows.

Is it because it's about college and college shows always suck? Well, not always. See Undeclared. Or, yeah, Greek.

Or is it because its focus is on the Greek system with its fraternities and sororities and rules and whatnot? Maybe. I was also wary of that at first, but it's actually pretty balanced in its handling of the whole Greek system. I knew nothing about it going in, I just had the usual prejudices and stereotypes in mind, and so far, the show did a pretty good job of having fun with it without mocking it. And once you accept the premise, it's not hard loving the show for what it is.

So I guess it's just because the audience has had enough of three-dimensional characters, clever writing, engaging storylines, savvy popculture quotes, great guest stars and, y'know, just having fun watching something. Yeah, that must be it.

Seriously, watch it. Remember, every show with a character named Beaver is pretty great, after all.

me likey

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