This is
last years... not the most positive read around I must say. I'm feeling far more philosophical looking back at this years vidding output - it's less (if you count the length of the vids/vidlets) but I did tackle much on the 'things I want to achieve' list.
So to start off let's look at what was made this year:
Jan 08
'Tired' - Firefly vid crackish and poor taste - hee.
April 08 -
'Free' Angelus vid
May 08
'Viva Las Vegas' - AtS Episodic Remaster of my very first vid.
July 08
' Venus in Furs' BtVS vidlet
Sept 08 -
'Field Below' Deadwood - Character study Alma
Oct 08 -
'Monster, Monster' BtVS vidlet
Nov 08 -
'Indian Too' Episodic 'Pangs - BTVS vidlet
Dec 08 -
'Carol of the Bells' - Harry Potter Christmas Vidlet
Favourite Vid: Now I had to go and watch them all to make my mind up but it's a tie between 'Venus in Furs' and 'Carol of the Bells' - couldn't be more different.
Least Favourite: Possibly 'Indian Too' as it's more of a seasonal greeting than a vid but it does still have moments that make me smile.
Most Successful: Based on feedback on lj? Hard to say - most had some great feedback from my flist and non flist viewers alike so that was much appreciated. Tie between 'Free' and 'Venus'?
Most Under appreciated: That sounds kind of ungrateful - I couldn't pick one out - I suspect just in number of downloads it will be the Deadwood vid - not a huge fandom in vidding, I would guess many wouldn't not bother to watch it. However, more importantly I think it was appreciated by the people for whom it was made.
Most Fun to make: Hmmm.... The Christmas HP one was pure 'joy' to make- the source was gorgeous, the music wonderful (and short) and I'm just a sap when it comes to Christmas vids.
Hardest: Easy to answer - 'Field Below' on several counts. The first time I had vidded source outside the whedonverse- although familiar there wasn't that instant recall of scenes that I usually rely on. It was no hardship to watch the series again but finding clips was time consuming- plus talky head was rife. It was a gift and I was really wanted to make something special for
charmax I knew I was in illustrious company for the DVD too, not wanting to stick out like the preverbial sore thumb. And lastly the tone of the vid was hardly celebratory so I hoped it wouldn't be too much of a downer.
Things I've learnt: Things never quite go to plan. This was going to be the year to learn new editing programs or to wean me of WMM a little , didn't happen Some progress made with the source quality - The ripper I'd been using since starting in '04 may be quick & easy to produce editing ready mpegs but the quality sucks. I started using AVI's from 'Indian Too' onwards - see the difference in the source of the vid and the final scene at the end. And finally vid bunnies come in all shapes and sizes. This was the year of the vidlet - It's much better to make it short and sweet than long, full of filler and boring.
Things to work on: Still on the list is to move onto different editing programs. The next project up my sleeve may require some effects that WMM just won't be able to manage. Good excuse to have another bash at ULEAD or adobe. Continue to vid outside my fandom comfort zone - I've some movies that I would love to tackle and a couple of songs for other TV shows.
Vid Projects I want to get finished: Well, go me - I read last years notes and I have done just about all projects I mentioned - the Angelus vid, breaking into non whedonverse and went and made the crackish ff one too. I have another silly vid (a song I've had a while) that I will start next - it's whedonverse and then I'll run through my list of about 6-7 songs to see what I want to tackle next. I hope to make at least four vids that are 3.00 mins or more. I ought to make a shipper one that I have kind of promised some time ago. Finally I'd like to continue to make more vids suitable for Ellie and some I wouldn't dare show her. Got to keep a balance right?