New Vid - When I'm Up I can't get Down' Hoban Washburne

Mar 07, 2015 10:53

Title: When I'm Up, I Can't Get Down
Fandom: Firefly (Some Serenity)
Music: When I'm Up - The Oysterband
Length: 3:46 mins
Description: 'Wash' piot extraordinaire, Husband, friend and dinosaur wrangler.
Edited March 2015
Downloads Med mp4 55mB
HQ AVI 188mB
HQ mp4 104mB

Embed and notes under the cut

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Vidder Notes: I love Wash but I guess I'm not alone in that sentiment.  Make a Wash vid I thought - it'll be  fun. And then you recall that he spends a lot of screen time in what little source we have from the few episodes and one film either sitting at the controls of Serenity, spouting witty dialogue or being tortured/dead (spoiler alert) Well seeing as he so much a part of Serenity, I have included gratutious flying scenes because, it's so pretty and in a sense that's Wash you see there - not just the ship.  The rest of the time features one of the best relationships in the whole whedonverse, Zoe & Wash.  Loved the song and it's been on the 'list' for years. I didn't realise there was a well known cover until after I had finished the vid but I am glad I went with the original.  Anyway please enjoy this very simple vid.

Lyrics here

vids, zoe, wash, gina torres, alan tudyk, serenity, firefly, vidding, whedonverse

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