A mirage lights my hope again [Active/Open]

Jan 15, 2009 03:47

Characters: Saya, Alfons Heiderich
Setting: Red Bedroom
Time: Day 006, early afternoon
Summary: Saya meets up with Alfons in her bedroom! Others invade?
Warnings: Saya.

Saya's mood was significantly better now than it had been at the start of the day. Zetsu was still gone, doing yet another search of the house had proven him to be dead, but she'd at least found Leo. Leo, who she'd seen the corpse of dragged off and left in the elevator by the hellhounds. She couldn't explain it, by all means it should have been impossible, but she'd seen him alive and well. She was happy for that, happy to see the beastman okay. It seemed that it had not been the house's residents to kill him, either...and yet, for some reason that didn't quell the distaste for humans that had been growing more and more lately.

That didn't seem to matter now, though, as she ended her brief exploration of the new sections of the house in favor of making her way back to her room. She would sleep for awhile and then perhaps give certain areas closer inspection. Maybe she would even find a meal - those corpses laying around the house were looking better and better...but first, sleep~ With that in mind she made her way back to the bedroom she had claimed for herself, as red as ever, and shut the door behind her before making her way to her bed.

!day 006, saya (saya no uta), alfons heiderich (fullmetal alchemist)

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