Characters: Alphonse, Anna, Saya, Red, the phantasms
Setting: In a SUPER-SECRET LOCATION beneath the kitchen.
Time: Night 004
Summary: Alphonse, Anna, Saya, and Red have been kidnapped! Oh noez! Now, they languish in their cells, finding company in each other as they await their plot-laden fates to be decided and/or doled out.
The phantasms came in groups, at least three to a person as the captives were brought in one by one. Strange and almost inhuman though they seemed, they were apparently smart enough to take the precaution of outnumbering those they had taken. Each group carried one captive, vanishing down the stairs immediately once their goal was accomplished, and emerging into a shining white room that looked straight out of a scientist's dream.
The room, though, was not the focus at this point--the cells it housed were, each rather like a rat cage, clearly adapted for human use. Each group delivered their prisoner to a cell, one stationed by the door to ensure a quick close to lock them in, while the others deposited their charge inside, leaving as soon as they had done so.
It was a quick, mercilessly efficient process, made grim and even surreal by the fact that they were utterly silent despite their perfect cooperation. No sounds were uttered, no conversation passed between them, no threats issued to the prisoners.... It was a simple, well-coordinated capture, with nothing demanded of their new wards except that they be too helpless to resist what was being done to them.
Being that their powers had forsaken them entirely, they would likely find themselves very helpless indeed.