Characters: Minako (Sailor Venus), whoever wants to find her
Setting: The Grand Room/West Hallway
Time: Early Morning of Day 19
Summary: A wild Minako/Sailor Venus appears!
Warnings: Minako is transformed as Sailor Venus, and has a variety of energy based attacks at her disposal. You have been warned.
I won’t tell you that I love you, kiss or hug you. )
Comments 13
Maybe she was just worried about failure. Or maybe it was just because of how the person she was following was dressed! Whatever the point, she soon decided it was about time she made her presence known.
"E-excuse me..." she finally managed.
"Who are you?" Minako asked after a moment, her voice commanding and cold. "What is this place?"
"This is a mansion, and I live here. Not of my own volition or anything, just like everyone else... I... m-my name is Patchouli. Th-that's all..." She had turned her attention to a particularly interesting area of floor (or perhaps of her own dress, since it seemed to be covering the area she was staring at ... she must have been checking it for stains). "Sorry..."
"What do you mean, not of your own volition?" The Senshi asked, though she (mostly) knew what the word meant. If she was to be believed, she was being held hostage, and there were others as well. "How many other people are here?"
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