Girls in the men's room [Open/Active]

Mar 31, 2010 01:15

Characters: Xerxes Break, Ciel Phantomhive, open
Setting: The theatre, probably moving if Ciel tries to run.
Time: Early night 17
Summary: Ciel is in a dress, and that simply won't do for Break's ~loyal servant~ to wear, so Break helps him find new clothes. Then, suddenly, CYBERSIX COMES TO THE RESCUE!!!!!1!
Warnings: Break tearing a small child out ( Read more... )

ciel phantomhive (kuroshitsuji), xerxes break (pandora hearts), *acedia, !squick, !day 017, cybersix (cybersix)

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Comments 27

queenslapdog March 31 2010, 06:12:01 UTC
Ciel was rather against the idea of anyone besides Sebastian undressing him, and was anything but going along quietly. "Get you hands- what do you think you- I told you don't touch me!" Ciel fought with Break all the way down the hall, but his protests became even louder as he was pushed past the checks of flesh and gore, "What is that? What's going on here? I DEMAND that you let me go!"
At this point he was no longer even attempting to pretend that he was a girl, his heart was in his throat and he was trying his hardest to not think of that one month. He just wanted to get away. This man thought that Ciel was his servant, and with the amount of blood on the stage, Ciel was waiting for the worst. "Sebastian! Sebastian! SEBASTIAN!" Why wasn't he coming? He had promised that he would always be there. Well, then why wasn't he here, killing Break?


omnomnomsweets April 1 2010, 05:30:48 UTC
Break wasn't particularly excited about undressing him, but it had to be done. Ciel wouldn't get it on his own. Even if he weren't paralysed by humiliation, and he was, it was difficult to impossible to get out of such a dress without help. He'd probably just tie himself in knots and collapse in a pile of teenaged misery, and Break would have none of that. He wanted to help; it was just a pleasant bonus that Ciel was so unhappy about the whole ordeal.

"Don't fret, little boy, I have only the best of intentions!" This might have been more reassuring if it weren't for the self-satisfied smirk. "And that is what happens when children don't listen to their masters and go running off alone at night. The house is not hospitable to the weak and foolish."

Ciel was both, as far as Break was concerned. Nevertheless, he stooped down and scooped him up into his arms, carrying him across the stage. If the boy was afraid of the gore then this would make things easier. Besides, it'd be a shame to ruin such a nice dress.


queenslapdog April 1 2010, 06:30:01 UTC
Ciel was anything but reassured by Break's words. Infact Ciel didn't even seem to hear Break's words at all. He was far to busy screaming, "Sebastian! Sebastian! Help me please! Please! Help!" If Break took the moment to look he would have seen the real terror on Ciel's face. There was so much that seemed wrong about all of this. There was just too much that was reminicent of that one month.
Ciel's screams became barely intelegable as Break whisked him off his feet. He was thrashing and demanding to be let down, but for all of his protests he could do nothing about the situation.


highheelsandhat April 1 2010, 07:06:54 UTC
Meanwhile, a certain costumed woman and her panther had made their way into the room adjacent to the grand theatre - the ballroom to be precise - in their search for a missing girl. Cybersix had lost track of Mio when they'd been battling the deadly dog, and now she was dreadfully concerned for the girl... which is not to say she also didn't flash a worried look to the panther now and then. Data 7 had been injured in the scuffle with the strange (undead?) dog, and so now he limped along, maimed but stoic ( ... )


omnomnomsweets April 1 2010, 07:26:26 UTC
"Sebastian won't come," Break sighed, though he doubted that Ciel could hear him over his hissy fit. "You'll just have to make do with me. Here we are now, a bit more privacy ( ... )


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