Characters: Marisa, Liquid Snake, open
Setting: Entrance Room, then wandering
Time: Beginning of Night 11
Summary: Marisa and Liquid explore nighttime Acedia
Warnings: None yet, though violence and language are definite possibilities.
There's no man's land, no one's ever survived. )
Comments 18
In response to his question, she said "Yup. I've got all of my peparations done ze. I've got all I need with me, for now at least ze."
"Hmm, so... east or west way ze?"
But he was glad to hear that the wizard had gotten all of her things ready, whatever that might be-- he did not have the slightest clue what sort of things she'd need, and had no desire to deepen his knowledge of it. It wouldn't do him any good, after all.
"We'll go west," he said in reply, turning on his heel to head into the Grand Room, intending to go from there to the West Hall. He was used to giving orders and being followed, so he immediately expected Marisa to come with him. There was no strategic basis, however, in choosing west; it was merely the way that he felt like going.
Definitely the type of guy to take the lead, she thought to herself. She wasn't used to being someone's subordinate, but when it came to a place like this, it wasn't somewhere to complain or be concerned with it, she supposed.
She followed, and then...
The sound of a piano playing. Nastily off-key.
"Okay, I don't know who's playing that, but they have no talent ze!"
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