So tell me, where were you... [Active/Open]

Mar 31, 2009 10:40

Characters: Stella Telmes, Jonouchi Katsuya, ChibiChibi
Setting: Second Floor East Hallway
Time: Day 008, noon-ish
Summary: Stella goes to check up on her patient and finds that he's still missing, but runs into other residents?
Warnings: None. :o

...when everything fell down like thunder I begged you to pull me through? )

jonouchi katsuya (yugioh!), stella telmes (tales of legendia), chibichibi (sailor moon), !day 008

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Comments 5

norainujanai April 4 2009, 19:36:35 UTC
Jonouchi felt great as he rose from his bed, stretching. He had a full stomach, a new shirt, a new friend, and a good day's sleep. For all the bad things that'd happened before, the day was shaping up to be a great one (by the house's standards, anyways). Thankful that there was still plenty of time before the next night came, the blond considered what to do next. There was nothing that specifically came to mind - maybe it was time to just wander around? It seemed as good an idea as any, and he resolved to do just that as he dressed himself, leaving his button down shirt open as always. Wander around the house, do some training, get some food and a little sleep... it was a good plan ( ... )


teenytiny_bunny April 5 2009, 01:53:34 UTC
Her bunny still held in her hand, ChibiChibi now drug it behind her as she walked instead of holding it to her chest. She had explored more of the house after managing to sneak away from Fletcher and those other two earlier, and luckily had found the kitchen in her journey. A partially eaten donut still held in one hand, the two year old thought as she walked towards a new and unknown destination ( ... )


goldenteriques April 8 2009, 13:04:47 UTC
Stella stopped as she heard an unfamiliar voice, quickly turning around to see a boy that might have been around her own age with impossibly poofy blond hair and brown eyes. He didn't look particularly threatening and so Stella only regarded him with a pleasant smile, happy to be able to find company even in a place like this. Even if she'd never had many friends back home, she'd desperately missed being able to talk with those she had... "Ah, no, I don't believe we've met before." She waited for him to catch up before extending a hand to him as she introduced herself, "My name is Stella Telmes, it's a pleasure to meet you Mr...?" Her look shifted to a slightly expectant one as she silently waited for his own introduction ( ... )


norainujanai April 8 2009, 19:35:25 UTC
With her smile and pleasant demeanor, Jonouchi's suspicions were confirmed; she was definitely a cute girl. Meeting her own smile with his own, he shook her hand. "No mister! I'm not that old yet. Just call me Jonouchi. All my friends do. Nice to meetcha too, Stella." It wasn't a name he'd really heard much in Domino, but it was a nice name for what seemed like a nice girl.

With introductions out of the way, her attention (and therefore his) was turned to something behind her, and the duelist moved to the side to get a better look. Nothing could've prepared him for the shock of seeing a tiny girl there. His mouth fell open, and his brain momentarily stopped. She couldn't have been more than five, if even that. What the hell was she doing there?! How... why... the house had young people, sure, but nobody THAT young! It wasn't right! Every big brother sensibility in his body was raging with anger at whatever force could do something like that to such a cute little girl ( ... )


teenytiny_bunny April 17 2009, 06:10:37 UTC
This was not the first time that she had received such shocked expressions, and ChibiChibi was beginning to wonder if it was more than simply her age. She knew she was not the only child here. Perhaps she was the youngest, but certainly that wouldn't call for reactions like the ones she had been getting. There was obviously something she didn't know, something that the others did. Something important. And that annoyed her, especially since so far, she had next to no information about the entire situation thus far.

Hiding her annoyance very well behind her smiling expression, ChibiChibi waved with her free hand. "ChibiChibi... Where here?" She asked, looking between the two 'older' occupants of the house with a schooled wide eyed, innocent expression.


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