Supernatural: Wee!Dean Interlude

Nov 29, 2007 21:31

Title: Wee!Dean Interlude
Author: thedeepeekay
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing, Characters: Sam, Wee!Dean, puppy!demons
Rating: PG
Spoilers: S2
Disclaimer: Not mine, never has been, never will be.
Length: 716 words
Status: Interlude with sequel to a series? Consider it finished.
Summary: Whom would you let babysit your little big brother?
Author's Note: This is a crossover between my Wee!Dean Series here and rahmi's Puppy!demons 'verse here. That makes it doubly cracky. Be warned.
As always, not beta'd.
Crossposted to / originally posted at: Nope.
Links to other parts: Sequel to be found here.
Written: November 2007

Wee!Dean Interlude

"Dean, could you please turn the volume down a bit?"

Of course Sam gets no reaction whatsoever. And he's pretty sure the tv is not loud enugh to block his voice out. At least not completely.

Ah. That book said not to use 'would' and 'could', right? Something about authority. And boundaries.

"Turn that down, Dean. Right now!"

His brother doesn't even twitch.

Oh well.

"Look, I'm going on that hunt now. Okay?"

A nod. Reluctant and unhappy, but a nod. Thank god!

"Now, we talked about this, remember? You stay here, and you behave. You don't touch a weapon, unless you have to defend yourself against something that is a) clearly not human, and b) trying to harm you or touch you. And that includes room maids, no matter what their hair looks like and what tattoos they have, even if no one who wasn't evil would wear clothes like that. Is that clear?"

Not a pleasant memory. He came back to the motel, expecting to see a five-year-old ready to use his death-pout on him. Instead there had been three maids (and okay, that hair did look funny), the motel manager, two police officers, and some woman from social service. And said five-year-old, looking to all the world like the wronged party. He definitely didn't want to repeat that experience. Ever.

"Food's in the fridge. I know you like cold fries, and cold burgers, so no, you will stay away from the microwave."

Sometimes Sam isn't sure he isn't just imagining that Dean used to make his food when Dad was not there (and even most of the times he wasn't). Because little Dean and kitchen appliances of any kind? Havoc. Mayhem. Armageddon. And his babysitters somehow think that's funny.

"I hope I will be back in a couple, of hours. Don't worry if I'm gone longer. But if I'm not back by tomorrow morning, 'morning' being 8 and not 3 a.m., then, and only then will you call Bobby. And if you can't reach Bobby, Ellen. And then you'll wait for them here."

And now the important part. Radiate authority, Sam! And that voice in his head that sounds like Dean, the other Dean, his big brother, sniggers. Radiate, Sammy, radiate! Well, as long as he doesn't let the impressée (and no, he does not care if that even is a word!) see that he feels ridiculous, it's okay if he does, right?

"And under no circumstances are you to leave this room. Got it? You are not allowed to get out. No matter what."

yes generalsammysam

The demon hovers in the doorway to the bathroom, still clearly not happy with being tonight's designated babysitter.

make sure little bastardbrotherbrat behaves and stays here and is safe, yes, be good, yes

Dean is still too engrossed in the roadrunner's adventures to pay any attention to Sam. It's their routine before every hunt. Dean wants to come, Sam says no, and Dean retreats, turning radio, tv, or anything else in reach up almost to the point where it becomes painful, so he can ignore Sam and doesn't have to say good-bye.

Sam doesn't mind. Dean doesn't like being left behind, he knows that. And he's worried about his brother and wants to help. Sam understands that, too.

Plus? Dean's always up when he gets back. Even if he's gone the whole night, when he gets back his little brother is up and attached to his leg before he's even through the door, and his face is tired and bleary-eyed and relieved and just so young.

He'll have Dean ignore him any night of the week, as long as it means keeping him safe.

He grabs his stuff, checks that he packed the right book, weapon's loaded, and heads towards the door.

Just before he closes it behind him, he turns around for a last look at Dean. And his babysitter.

"Don't let him see you. You know he doesn't like demons. And I don't want to have to explain, well, us, to him."

With that Sam closes the door behind him, and hopes once more that his little brother will never, ever find out that Sam not only has demons, but lets them baby-sit him. Dean can be the scariest five-year-old ever.

supernatural, crossover

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